
   [00:37.00]Fifteenth floor.

  [00:50.08]I’m going to need your help this morning, Old Scout.
  [00:54.36]For the next few hours, you’re to warn me of Bandy’s every approach
  [00:58.80]and you may need to shield me from public view
  [01:00.92]in the likely event I void my stomach.
  [01:04.48]It’s that bad.
  [01:06.00]Good morning, Jack.
  [01:08.04]Nothing good about it, I assure you.
  [01:31.36]Of course, I knew the moment you stepped off the train
  [01:33.36]what you were looking for.
  [01:35.08]A small remodelled barn, or a carriage house.
  [01:38.28]And I just hate to be the one to tell you that sort of thing
  [01:40.16]just isn’t available any more.
  [01:42.68]But I don’t want you to despair.
  [01:45.20]There is one place up here I want to show you.
  [01:50.28]Now, of course, it isn’t very desirable at this end.
  [01:52.72]As you can see, Crawford Road is mostly these little cinder-blocky,
  [01:56.24]pick-up trucky places, plumbers, carpenters,
  [01:59.20]little local people of that sort.
  [02:01.32]But eventually...
  [02:02.84]Eventually it leads up to Revolutionary Road, which is much nicer.
  [02:07.60]Now, the place I want to show you
  [02:09.36]is a sweet little house and a sweet little setting.
  [02:12.84]Simple, clean lines, good lawns, marvellous for children.
  [02:17.52]It’s just around this next curve.
  [02:20.48]Now, you’ll see it. There. See the little white one? Sweet, isn’t it?
  [02:27.24]The perky way it sits there on its little slope? Charming, isn’t it?
  [02:34.76]Oh, yes.
  [02:46.56]You wanted to see me?
  [02:48.08]Came for you from Toledo this morning. This is the third one this month.
  [02:51.32]Sorry. I thought I’d taken care of...
  [02:53.08]I’m not prepared to have this conversation again, Frank.
  [02:55.08]- You understand? - I was literally just getting into...
  [02:57.12]These folks in the provinces look up to us. We need to be efficient.
  [03:00.44]We can’t have this kind of back and forth, and so forth.
  [03:03.12]- It’s just not efficient. Am I right? - Yes.
  [03:09.36]- What was that about? - Toledo.
  [03:12.36]Branch manager wants a revised brochure
  [03:14.44]for the conference on the Knox 500.
  [03:17.24]"It’s just not efficient. Am I right? Am I right? Am I right?"
  [03:21.00]Sounds like a goodie.
  [03:22.60]For God’s sake. I don’t even know what the Knox 500 does. Do you?
  [03:25.96]Don’t insult me.
  [03:40.88]If you’ll look in the inactive file under SP 1109,
  [03:46.36]you’ll find copies of all the stuff we sent to the agency,
  [03:49.60]that way we can trace the thing back to its original sources.
  [03:58.08]Listen, I hope you weren’t planning on having an early lunch.
  [04:01.16]No. I’m not really hungry.
  [04:04.64]Good. I’ll check on you later then. All right?
  [04:06.96]- Okay. - Okay.
  [04:15.48]You know something, Maureen? You’re lucky you met me.
  [04:19.56]How’s that?
  [04:23.08]I think I can show you the ropes, you know.
  [04:25.44]There’s a certain art to survival at Knox. Really. Let me show you what I mean.
  [04:31.56]Waiter. Bring me the telephone, would you? And two more martinis.
  [04:44.96]Klondike 5-55-66, please.
  [04:50.40]Hello, Mrs Jorgensen? Frank Wheeler here. Yes.
  [04:53.40]I just wanted to let you know that I’ve had to send Maureen Grube
  [04:56.48]down to Visual Aids for me.
  [04:58.68]I’ll probably need her the rest of the afternoon. Yes.
  [05:03.16]You, too. Take care now.
  [05:09.56]- I never even heard of Visual Aids. - That’s because it doesn’t exist.
  [05:36.52]Hi, Helen. Come on in.
  [05:39.24]I can’t stay a minute.
  [05:41.04]I just wanted to bring these sedum plantings
  [05:43.88]for that messy patch down by the foot of the drive.
  [05:46.92]It’s like the European houseleek,
  [05:48.72]only these have the most marvellous little yellow blossoms.
  [05:52.84]Now, all it wants for the first few days
  [05:54.40]is just a tiny dollop of water, and then you’ll find it absolutely thrives.
  [05:58.00]Well, thank you, Helen. That’s so kind of you.
  [06:01.64]Would you like some coffee?
  [06:14.68]Is there something I can do for you, Helen?
  [06:17.20]I almost forgot.
  [06:19.56]There is one small favour I would like to ask.
  [06:23.12]It’s about... It’s about my son, John. He’s been in the hospital.
  [06:30.28]I’m sorry. Is everything all right?
  [06:32.24]Well, actually, just for the time being, he’s in Pleasant Brook. Psychiatric.
  [06:41.56]- Oh, I see. - Well, it’s nothing serious.
  [06:45.36]He just got a little run down. Things can just get the better of us sometimes.
  [06:50.60]- Don’t you agree? - Yes. Of course.
  [06:55.00]It’s a marvellous facility
  [06:56.76]and the treatments seem to be doing wonders for him.
  [06:59.60]Anyway, they said getting him out for an afternoon
  [07:02.20]might do him a little bit of good.
  [07:04.68]I think he finds my friends a little conventional, quite frankly.
  [07:08.56]I mean, he’s travelled. He has a Ph.D. in mathematics.
  [07:14.08]I suppose you could say he’s an intellectual.
  [07:18.92]It would do him a world of good to meet a young couple like you.
  [07:22.20]Well, we’d love to meet him.
  [07:26.60]- Really? - Yes.
  [07:29.60]We’d love to.
  [07:32.84]Thank you, dear.
  [07:36.76]Thank you.
  [07:41.44]Well, I must be off.
  [07:53.92]I remember the first day you came off the train.
  [07:57.00]You weren’t like my other clients. You were different.
  [08:01.36]You just seemed special.
  [08:09.64]Of course, you still are.
  [08:12.84]Remember, just a dollop. I must scoot. Toodle-oo.
  [08:39.60]I think you got me a little drunk.
  [08:49.08]You know what today is?
  [08:54.80]It’s my birthday. I’m 30 years old today.
  [09:00.52]- Happy birthday! - Thank you.
  [09:09.48]What was the name of that department you made up again?
  [09:19.40]Visual Aids.
  [09:23.16]What a joke.
  [09:27.96]What a joke. Oh, my.
  [09:33.60]- You want to hear a real joke? - Yes.
  [09:39.32]- My old man worked at Knox. - Yeah?
  [09:43.52]He was a salesman in Yonkers.
  [09:48.72]Once a year he used to take me into the city for lunch.
  [09:53.04]It was supposed to be a very special, life-advice sort of occasion.
  [09:56.80]- Nice. - No. Not really.