
   [00:22.36]Jane Eyre. 简·爱

  [00:26.04]I thought gypsies were come. 还以为是流浪汉呢
  [00:29.32]And then I saw you, and I thought, it cannot be, 然后看到了你 还在想不可能啊
  [00:32.88]you are a ghost. 你不是真的吧
  [00:36.04]No one knows how it started. 无人知晓是如何事发的
  [00:41.32]I expect that Mrs. Poole took too much of the gin and water, 我想是普尔夫人喝了太多的酒
  [00:43.00]and as she slept, the lady, 她睡着后 那个女人
  [00:47.60]Mrs. Rochester, unhooked the keys. 罗切斯特太太拿走了钥匙
  [00:50.28]She did what she failed to do a year ago, 她完成了许久之前就实施过 但胎死腹中的计划
  [00:51.64]set the whole place to fire. 一把火烧了整个庄园
  [00:57.16]We would have all perished in the smoke, 原本所有人都该在浓烟中丧命的
  [00:59.60]but Mr. Rochester would not rest till we were all safe. 但罗切斯特先生将我们一一救出
  [01:02.20]Then he went in for her. 最后 还跑去救她
  [01:06.96]The flames were tearing up so high 火势太猛了
  [01:08.28]it brought men running from the village. 村庄那边的人都来了
  [01:11.56]I saw her standing on the roof. 我看见她站在屋顶
  [01:14.92]The very edge. 伫立在边缘处
  [01:15.60]I heard Mr. Rochester beg her to come down. 我听见罗切斯特先生求她下来
  [01:21.48]But she jumped. 但她还是跳了下来
  [01:23.20]Mr. Rochester remained, 罗切斯特先生原地不动地站着
  [01:25.44]as if he would not move until the fire consumed him. 直到火苗窜到身边 他才回过神来
  [01:30.52]I didn’t know. 最初 我不知道
  [01:32.72]I didn’t know it was his wife, I promise you. 真不知道那是他太太
  [01:36.88]Why did you run away, child? 孩子 你为什么离开?
  [01:39.48]I would have helped you. 我可以帮你的
  [01:43.88]I had some money saved. 我存了些钱
  [01:44.36]You could have come to me. 你应该来找我的
  [01:50.80]Where is he? 他在哪?
  [02:36.76]Pilot. 派洛特
  [02:51.56]Who’s there? 你是谁?
  [03:20.28]This hand... 这双手...
  [03:39.96]Jane Eyre. 简·爱
  [03:43.32]Jane Eyre. 简·爱
  [03:50.48]Edward, I am come back to you. 爱德华 我回来了
  [04:03.52]Fairfax Rochester with nothing to say? 费尔法克斯·罗切斯特没话说?
  [04:13.08]You are altogether a human being, Jane. 简 你整个人都在这了
  [04:17.96]I conscientiously believe so. 我想确实如此
  [04:37.32]A dream. 简直就是个梦
  [04:44.56]Awaken then. 现在成真了