115 A Very Special Juice p.295(在线收听


  A Very Special Juice and the Golden Fountain are the titles of two books. They have sold hundreds ofthousands of copies. Can you guess what they are about? They are guides to urine therapy. Don't laugh! Urineis big business these days. There's an annual market of US$500 million for products made from urine.
  "It's a great aftershave," says one consumer. It's even used in many skin creams and perfumes. Besides,it is widely used as a kind of medicine. Believe it or not, a lady in America says she drinks a glass ofurine a day. At this point, you must excuse me; I have to go to the restroom.


lucrative 有利可图的    profitable
juicy 多汁的
hundreds of thousands of 几十万
five copies 五本相同的书    five books 五本不同的书
Please copy your passport and give its copy to me.   copy vt.n.
copy cat 盲目的模仿者
make a guess 猜    We made a guess where Bill is, because we can't find him.
tour guy  导游
urine  n.尿    urinate  v.小便(医生用语)
a business 公司,商行(可数)    business 生意(不可数)   Business is not so good this year.
yearly = annual
aftershave  须后水
