
   [00:03.84]That I, Paolo Puttanesca, was responsible for-- 我.  鲍罗对.  .  .  负责

  [00:05.20]-Grazie. -Prego. 戈莱兹.  皮罗格
  [00:07.32](Speaking Italian)
  [00:10.68]By the way, your hair--magnificent. 还有,  你的发很美
  [00:11.76]The next time, we go a Little lighter? 下次.  轻点
  [00:12.28]MAN: Your Highness, would you like to say anything? 女王.  能为我们说点什么吗
  [00:13.84]GUPTA: isn’t that just awful? 不可怕吗?
  [00:16.32]Doesn’t anyone respect royalty anymore? 大家不再尊敬皇室吗?
  [00:19.12]What is it like in Genovia, Your Majesty? 日 内瓦怎样?女王
  [00:22.10]Do people just fawn over you? 这里的人会讨好你吗?
  [00:25.28]I wonder, would you give us a moment alone? 能给我们一点时间独处吗?
  [00:28.48]GUPTA: I’m the vice-principal. 我是副校长
  [00:30.84]Joseph, would you take this fine educator... 乔斯福.  你能带走这位校长
  [00:35.84]and show her your security plans for Amelia’s safety? 让她明 白艾米利娅的安全计划吗?
  [00:38.00]What? 什么?
  [00:40.12]Ah, yes, of course. 当然
  [00:41.48]Your Majesty, thank you. 谢谢.  女王
  [00:43.80]Your security system is a bit lax. 你的安全系统有点松懈
  [00:45.16]Oh, is it? 是吗?
  [00:47.64]HELEN: A week ago, Mia was a normal little kid. 一周前.  米亚是个普通的孩子
  [00:49.36]She has never been normal. She was born royal. 她永远不普通.  她出生皇室
  [00:53.84]And we cope with the press every single day... 我们每天都会处理新闻界
  [00:55.68]and we will do it again. 现在我们还要处理
  [00:56.68]You don’t have to do this. 你不必
  [00:58.08]You can get out of this whole thing right now. 现在你可以逃避这一切
  [01:02.16]Your mother is right, Amelia. 你母亲说得对.  艾米利娅
  [01:05.84]We had a bargain. 我们讨价还价
  [01:07.16]ALL right. I will think about it... 好.  我会考虑
  [01:12.44]and let you know soon. 很快让你们知道结果
  [01:13.08]CLARISSE: Good. A diplomatic answer. 很好.  外交性的回答
  [01:16.96]Polite, but vague. 有礼.  但是很含糊
  [01:18.04]Mia Thermopolis is the daughter... 米亚是当地折衷艺术家 赫伦的女儿
  [01:21.68]of local eclectic artist Helen Thermopolis.
  [01:24.56]They currently live in a refurbished firehouse... 她们 目前住在重新装修的消防站
  [01:27.92]south of Market Street. 商业街南部
  [01:28.44]Mia is also the only grandchild of Queen Clarisse Renaldi... 米亚还是卡拉利丝女王的 唯一孙女
  [01:33.40]whose husband, King Rupert, passed away last year. 她的丈夫罗帕特国王去年去世
  [01:34.36]This is Nelson Davenport, KRLH. 这里是尼尔森
  [01:37.08](School bell rings)
  [01:44.04]WOMAN ON P.A.: Will the Feng Shui Club... 芬谢俱乐部
  [01:44.40]桌子.  好吗?
  [01:45.00]please stop rearranging the tables on the lawn? 不要在草地上安排
  [01:47.12]LILLY: Hello? Princess? 公主?
  [01:51.44]Everybody wants to take your picture. 每个人都想拍你的照片
  [01:51.48]You’re the most popular girl in school. 现在你是学校的明星
  [01:54.84]Everybody wants to be your best friend. 成为你的至交
  [01:56.04]-Hi, Lilly. -Hi. 利莉
  [01:56.32]LILLY: So I’ve made a list... 我作了一个
  [01:59.64]of all the reasons for you not to be a princess. 你不是公主的理由 的名单
  [02:01.92]Number one--no privacy. 第一.  没有私秘
  [02:03.08]Number two--you always have to look just right. 第二 : 你得过正常生活
  [02:07.28]-Number three-- -Whoo! 第三 :
  [02:08.40]MIA: Ha ha ha!
  [02:10.44]LILY: Are you Ok? 你没事吧?
  [02:14.44]MIA: Ha ha! Number three. What was number three? 第三.  第三是什么?
  [02:16.96]Number three-- you can’t go nutso. 第三.  你不能如此疯狂
  [02:17.60]You can’t be all ’’Bleah’’ during the day. 不能整天拉着脸
  [02:18.68]Lilly, um... 利莉
  [02:20.12]I really don’t want to talk about this... 我现在真的不想说
  [02:21.80]at the moment, Ok? 好吗?
  [02:24.28]Just one last question. 最后一个问题
  [02:27.04]would you come on my cable show on Saturday night? 星期六晚上你能来我的 无线电展览会吗?
  [02:27.68]Now that you’re ’’out’’... 既然你出来了
  [02:31.24]I love you! 我爱你
  [02:31.36]Yeah, sure. 当然
  [02:34.24]I’ll buy you another charm for your charm bracelet. 我为你再买一个手蜀
  [02:36.48]Ok? Ooh! 好吗?
  [02:37.12]See you Saturday night! 星期六晚上见
  [02:40.12]Joe! 乔
  [02:45.64]Yes, Miss Mia? 什么事?米亚小姐
  [02:47.44]I don’t want to run my own country. 我不想治理我的国家
  [02:49.00]so can’t I just tell everyone that I simply quit? 我不能告诉任何人我放弃吗?
  [02:49.32]I just want to pass 1 0th grade... 我想通过10年级
  [02:55.12]No one can quit being who they really are... 谁也不能放弃自 己是谁
  [02:57.48]not even a princess. 即使是公主
  [03:00.48]but you are a princess by birth. 但你天生是公主
  [03:02.96]How can I tell if I can even do the job? 我怎么能知道自 己 是否能做这工作?
  [03:05.04]By simply, simply trying. 尝试
  [03:07.44]Like the fancy dinner coming up. 就像晚餐来了
  [03:10.12]She thinks you’re ready. 她认为你行了
  [03:12.92]MIA: Really? 是吗?
  [03:13.16]Shall we practice entering like a princess? 我们要像公主一样进入吗?
  [03:17.96]Ok. 好
  [03:19.04]Entering. 进入
  [03:20.92]JOSEPH: At the grand ball, you enter with the queen... 在大舞会你和女王一起进去
  [03:26.60]but at the state dinner, you enter unaccompanied. 但在州宴会上.  你得独自进去
  [03:30.40]Shoulders back. Smile. 肩 向后.  微笑
  [03:32.44]They’re all happy to see you. 他们很高兴见到你
  [03:37.24]BARONESS: How is she? 她怎样?
  [03:37.92]BARON: Ah, there she is. 她在那
  [03:38.76]You are much prettier. 你漂亮多 了
  [03:45.72](Mia exhales)
  [03:47.16]JOE: Well done. The worst is over. 做的好.  最糟的部分过去了
  [03:51.16]Our diligent Prime Minister, Sebastian Motaz... 我们的首相瑟柏斯汀
  [03:53.36]Hello. 还有他的娇妻谢利亚
  [03:54.36]And his lovely wife Sheila... 幸会
  [03:58.72]Nice to meet you. 还有他们可爱的女儿玛丽莎
  [03:59.72]And their charming daughter Marissa. 弗里克,  让我拿你的杯子
  [04:00.40]Oh! Lord Fricker, Let me take your brandy glass.
  [04:02.00]You won’t need it in there. 这里不需要
  [04:05.80]And easy on the schnapps. 对杜松子酒别紧张
  [04:06.48]Remember the Winter Dinner. 记住冬 日 的宴会
  [04:09.48]MARISSA: I’m not allowed to go to the party. 我没有得到允许参加宴会
  [04:14.12]Dinner is served. 宴餐开始
  [04:18.60]MO TAZ: Her Majesty, Queen Clarisse. 女王.  卡拉利丝
  [04:26.56]Someday we will own Genovia again... 我们会再得到 日 内瓦
  [04:29.84]and you will be queen. 你将会是女王
  [04:30.92]And your face will be on a postage stamp. 邮票上将印有你的头相