听见英国 UNIT 3 LISTENING 4 A Traditional Dish 传统餐点(在线收听

 LISTENING  4      A Traditional Dish 传统餐点




接下来听到的对话中,用到了1~10 所列出的单字,请从(A~J)中选出一个意思最接近的选项。


1. dish                         (A) a sheet of paper containing information and given to people attending a speech, lecture, or meeting

2. flour                         (B) a cooked food of one kind

3. handout                       (C) to mix together liquid ingredients

4.distribute                      (D) a soft and fine white powder needed for baking cakes and bread

5. melt                          (E) to deliver or pass out

6. stir                           (F) to become liquid

7. broth                          (G) a round container with low sides used for cooking food in the oven

8. thicken                        (H) items that make up a recipe

9. ingredients                    Ithe water in which meat , fish ,or vegetables have

                                   Been boiled

10. casserole                     (J) to make or become thick or thicker




Listening Warm-Up



Q: According to the speaker, what do British people eat a lot ?

A: _______________________________


 Task 1


下面列出了shepherd’s pie (牧羊人)的主要材料,请根据独白的内容,在空格内填入遗漏的部分。

1.       minced __________

2.       ___________

3.       __________cloves

4.       sage

5.       thyme

6.       butter or __________

7.       _____________

8.       _________stock

9.       salt and _______

10.   mashed________


Task 2


下面六张图显示出shepherd’s pie的调理方法,请根据独白的内容,按照先后顺序加以编号。



Task 3




1.       How many minutes have you got to stir?  

A: About _______________to _____________minutes.

2.  When you add the rest of the ingredients to thicken the gravy, what must NOT be put in?

A: _____________________________

3.  How many degrees have you not got to put the oven at?

A: ______________degrees.

4.   How long should you bake shepherd’s pie in the oven?

A: ______________to ___________minutes.



Tea Time

   Shepherd’s pie 是一种传统的英国家常料理,主要材料是马玲薯和牛绞肉,这样料理中不可缺的gravy(肉汁),是料理的主要成分也是酱料,市面上有贩售凝结成块状的gravy,只要用热水冲泡就可以变成汤汁,一般家庭常买来使用。
