听见英国 UNIT 5 LISTENING 2 In a Shop 在店里(在线收听

 LISTENING  2      In a Shop 在店里




接下来听到的对话中,用到了1~7 所列出的单字和片语,请从(A~G)中选出一个意思最接近的选项。


1. ornament                     (A) to complete by writing in details

2. unfortunately                  (B) a thing

3. form                         (C) repayment

4. fill in                         (D) value-added tax

5. item                          (E) a document

6. VAT                          (F) an object for decoration

7. refund                        (G) unluckily


Listening Warm-Up



Q: What would the customer like to get?

A: ______________________________


Task 1




Item(s) to be kept:____________________________

Name: Julia Euaus

Telephone No: 3537-615-7846

Paid/Not paid**

Date: 16/09/2004

Order taken by: Chis


Task 2




1.       When will the items that the customer would like to buy be available?

(A)   The next day

(B)   By the end of the next week

(C)   A month later

2.       Did the customer also fill in the address?

(A)   By credit card

(B)   By Solo card

(C)   By cash

3.       How did the customer pay?

(A)   By credit card

(B)   By Solo card

(C)   By cash




Task 3


下面是对话部分的内容, 请再听一次对话,在空格内填入遗漏的部分。


Sales Assistant: Sure. Please ____________here …. Thank you. Here’s your _________and ________.

Customer: Excuse me , but where can I _________the VAT ________________?

SA: _______________. At ____________, it’s well-sign posted.

C: Tank you. Bye.

SA: Bye.
