听见英国 UNIT 7 LISTENING 3 Exam Retakes 要求重新考试(在线收听


LISTENING 3   Exam Retakes 要求重新考试




接下来听到的对话中,用到了1~10 所列出的单字和片语,请从(A~J)中选出意思最接近的选项。


1.  circumstance                  (A) opposite of pass or success

2.  common                      (B) a notice in advance of danger or bad situation

3.  warning                       (C) severe or hard

4.  procedure                     (D) to move from one place to another place

5.  rigorous                       (E) a set of actions

6.  failure                        (F) each other

7.  alternative                     (G) a choice

8.  degree                        (H) situation

9.  mutual                        (I ) ordinary or usual

10. transfer                      (J) an academic qualification given by a college or university to a student who has completed a course of study


Listening Warm-Up



Who is Kei discussing with?

(A)   An academic supervisor

(B)   A university administrative staff

(C)   A university student


Task 1



1.       If Kei fails this year-end examinations, does she have to leave this university?

(A)   Yes

(B)   No

(C)   It depends on what happens in her case.

2.       When can students claim to take a year off?

(A)   Before the year-end examination

(B)   After the results of the year-end examination

(C)   Not stated in the conversation


3.       If the results of the examinations are not good, what happens next to Kei?





1. Warning are given.


2. Take a year off.


3. Redo examinations.


4. Rejoin the course.

1. No warning is given.


1.       Take a year off.


2.       Rejoin the course.


3.       Redo examinations.

1. Warning are given.


2. Take a year off.


3. Rejoin the course.


4. Redo examinations.


4.  What’s an alternative choice?

(A) A course work

(B) Examinations

(C) A non-honours degree

5.  When can a non-honours degree be given?

   (A) A student’s examinations are poor but course work is good.

   (B) A student’s examinations are good but course work is poor.

   (C) Both a student’s examinations and course work are good.


Task 2




1.       Kei hopes to make sure whether she passed the year-end exam.

2.       Depending on the circumstances, Kei can take a year off.

3.       It’s common to redo a year in England.

4.       After resits, warnings are given.

5.       Transferring to another university is possible.


Task 3


请再听一次对话,然后在1~3的空格中, 分别填入(A),(B),(C)三个选项。


(A)      Rejoin the course

(B)      Non-honours degree

(C)      Take a year off




Tea Time




此外,英国的大学录取率比台湾低很多,只有不到10% ,而且多半是三年制的大学。
