英语话剧剧本:四人英语话剧剧本-The Rolling Orange(在线收听

 适合4人的话剧剧本,四人英语话剧剧本The Rolling Orange讲述桔子的故事。一天早上,桔子一家醒来,发现人们开着卡车,搬着梯子,来摘桔子了,快来看看他们的命运如何吧。
Tom:     Father Orange
Klye:      Mother Orange
Wallis:    Older Sister Orange
Jessie:     Little Brother Orange
Father Orange:             He is a middle-aged, considerate, and thoughtful man.
Mother Orange:            She is a younger and more youthful woman than Father. She is also very optimistic.
Older Sister Orange:   She is young , energetic, and competitive .
Little Brother Orange:  He is the youngest and, therefore, a little spoiled.
SCENE I 场景一:果园
One Morning in an Orange Orchard. 
(Today is a sunny day . An orange family is discussing nervously about something on an orange tree in an orchard. )
Father:      I was awakened early this morning by the sound of trucks in the field (yawning).
Mother:    Well, it wasn’t the first time to be like this.
Sister:       A whole bunch of strange men was brought in by trucks.
Brother:    That really scared me. They got out and started to climb up ladders. 
Sister:       (Afraid suddenly) Oh! My friends were grabbed and put into large bags. I could hear them yell for help.
Father:      Hey! We shouldn’t look at them; otherwise, they’ll notice us. 
Mother:    But it’s useless.
Sister:       Oh, God! We’re discovered!
Brother:    Oh! We’re being grabbed and pulled from our branches. What will we do for food and water?
Sister:       It will be so uncomfortable going to town in that bag with a lot of strangers.
Mother:    Well, we’ll just have to do our best.
Father:      Yeah!
On a Fruit Stand. 
(After having been on the road in a bag for half an hour, they are placed on a fruit stand. )
Sister:       Gee! This place is so cold and desolate. I wish we had our friends here on this stand (looks at the opposite fruit stall).
Brother:    I tried to make friends with these people on our way here, but everyone looked pretty uncomfortable and scared.
Sister:       Oh! Mother! How could they do that?
Mother:    What are you talking about? 
Brother:    I know what she’s talking about (Brother turns to look). 
Father:      What did you see?
Sister:       My friends were cut up and eaten. How could they do that? I’m so scared.
Father:      Now, children, be calm. 
Mother:    Sh~ Someone’s coming. 
Father:      Try to be quiet.
Sister:         I don’t want to be taken away. 
Brother:    Oh! My friend’s being taken away.
Sister:       Your friend looks so fat.
Mother:      If we look sour, maybe we won’t be taken away. 
Brother:    That’s a bright idea. But how could we look sour?
Mother:    Now, children, stop being scared and calm down.
Father:      Oh! No! I’m being looked at.
Mother:    I told you not to eat so much. Now you look so fat and juicy.  
(Father is being taken away.)
Brother:    Oh, no, Dad! 
Father:      (Sadly) Good bye, children.
Sister:       Oh! Dad’s being put into the basket and taken away. 
Mother:    Oh, no!
Brother:    Stop that. Our father can’t be taken away. 
Mother:    Look, he’s being bagged and put into a cart.
Sister:       Hey! The cart’s wheels are going out of the store. 
Brother:    A car’s pulling up.
Mother:    Oh, no! His bag is being picked up.
Sister:       But it’s breaking. And Dad’s falling out.
Brother:    Dad’s rolling away.
All:            (Jumping up and down cheering) ROLL! ROLL! He’s getting away. 
Sister & Brother:   Yip! Yip! Hurray for Dad!
Mother:  Oh! Thank God.
