英伦广角 2012-03-24 英国公交司机买彩票中3.8亿大奖(在线收听

 Most of these bus drivers have reached their final stop.around half have already decided to pack in their jobs, the lucky winners picked up a check for 38 million pounds, which they'll split between them. 

A schedule, you know, what am i gonna do with this?
Everything is going straight and mine, what am I gonna do? .... You know. 
You get weird sensations, I want to run out in the street and shout and let the whole world know, but at the same time, you don't want the whole world to know, because what's gonna happen, 
Goppen sadium, what to hang the sheena, this is a mimorian airbus, there's no difference. 
The wife, she was best and the kids, youngest one was the best one, he's all I want to pare for bobos, he was the happiest, obviously the old one much,for our reason, no choice.
Thank you, Jesus, because it's so... Yeah
How many grand children have you got to treat then? 
What are gonna buy them all?
Just, i've not got a glue.
Their depot may be depleted, and there are some big gap in their rostbu, but their manager says it's a happy issue to deal with and the buses will still be running on time. But spare are thought for their colleague who pulled out of their syndicate before the win.
It was just some fortune that
The jaw saying goes it pays your money, it takes your choice. You know, you've got to be in it to win it. 
They'll be happy for us, definitely, yeah, she will, yeah, 
At the very least, there will be plenty of overtime for them.
Lisa Dough, Sky News, Corbay.