美联社新闻一分钟 AP 2013-03-13(在线收听

1. Two days before the start of a conclave at which they will choose the next Pope, cardinals have fanned out across Rome today to celebrate Mass. Elsewhere, officials took steps to definitively end Benedict's pontificate, destroying his ring, seals and stamps.
2. The top US commander in Afghanistan is rejecting as "categorically false" an accusation from Afghan President Hamid Karzai. The Afghan leader says the Taliban and the US are working in concert to convince Afghans that if most foreign troops leave, the violence will get worse.
3. Family members say the uncle of one of the seven victims of a rural Kentucky house fire desperately tried to save them from the burning home. Family members say they include five children from ten months to three years. A women killed was three months pregnant. The seventh victim was a man. 
4. And meet "Little PSY". The 7-year-old is the prodigy of the man who made Gangnam Style a global hit. And he has his own album debuting this week.