美联社新闻一分钟 AP 2013-03-18(在线收听


1. Police in upstate New York have shot and killed a man, the suspect in a shooting of six people yesterday. Four people died. 64-year-old Kurt Myers had been holed up in an abandoned bar for 19 hours before being shot by police.
2. With some fiery debate, the Senate Judiciary Committee approves an assault weapons ban. The proposal by California Democratic Senator Dianne Feinstein was approved in a party-line vote. The measure is not expected to survive in the Senate.
3. President Barack Obama is on Capitol Hill for a third straight day of meetings with lawmakers from both parties. The two sides are discussing fiscal issues, gun legislation and immigration. 
4. On his first full day as pontiff, Pope Francis is showing his well-known humility. He stopped by his hotel to pick up his luggage and paid the bill himself. Later, he celebrated his first Mass as Pope in the Sistine Chapel.