美联社新闻一分钟 AP 2013-06-09(在线收听

  1.President Barack Obama has named United Nations ambassador Susan Rice to take over as national security adviser. She's been the subject of Republican criticism over her faulty explanation about the attacks on Americans in Libya last year.
  2.Vice President Joe Biden says US Senator Frank Lautenberg was the "definition of what it means to be a successful man." Biden spoke out at Lautenberg's funeral today. The Liberal Democrat from New Jersey died Monday. He was 89.
  3.A four-story building being demolished collapsed in Philadelphia. More than a dozen people were hurt.
  4.And foodies and tourists were packing a Mahatton bakery for cronuts. The croissant-donut hybrid is the crunchy and sweet dessert. The shop makes up to 250 cronuts every morning and they have been selling out within an hour.
  Rita Foley, the Associated Press with AP News Minute.