NPR美国国家公共电台 2013-02-02(在线收听

  From NPR news in Washington, I'm Lakshmi Singh.
  Moments ago, secretary of states Hillary Cliton was met with cheers of surpport as she prepared to bid farewell to stuff of the state department. Moments after resigning, Clinton choke back tears in her goodbye. She also reminded her team about enormous deplomatic challenges ahead to counter terrorism singing on the attack of US embassy in Ac. Tukey earlier today.
  We live in very complex and even dangerous times and as saw again at our embassy in Ac. where we were attacked and lost one of our born-servic nationals and others injured.
  Cliton's successor is the reccently confirmed Jhon Cary who is expected to be sworn in later today.
  The state of emergency remains in effects parts of Egypt amid political turmoils surrounding the Islamic president Merhamed Morsay. We have more details from Kim Adams in Cairo.
  Cairo, Port Said, Suez, all cities that have seen voilent clashes is in the anniversary of Egypt's revolution last week, and where they have caused more demostrations today. The Muslim brotherhood .... national salvation in front among other groups met yeserday to condemn the voilence that killed more 60 people around the country. They say they are working to find ways that to halt the voilence and the national salvation front is demanding the president form a new government. Liberal groups who blame Morsay and the police for the esclations are still headed to streets and squares around the country today saying that they wouldn't enter dialouge with the president until the bloodshed stops. For NPR news, I'm Kamily Adams in Cario.
  In southeast Alabama, man who neighbours have come to fear still holding a five-year-old boy in his bunker after he allegedly shot a school bus driver who died Tuseday afternoon. Dan Carson, a member of statoin ....reports near the frame.
  Police say the suspect Jimmy Lee D had been known to stayed on her bunker for more than a week, raising the possibility the standoff could drag on much longer. The young boy's parents told us the legislators are holding on by a threat. D. allowed police to pass the boy's medication and crans in through a PBC ventilation pipe. They say the child has been crying for his parents but they believe he is unharmed. Authorities have released little information on what they are calling a highly sencitive situation. The funeral for the bus driver Charles Albert H. Junor, is schedued for Sunday. D. allegedly shot H. when he refused to turn over any students. For NPR news, I'm Dan Carson in Birmingham.
  Labor department mostly a bit report on unemployment and finds compays added 57,000 jobs in January, which is also higher and much stronger than the final month of 2012, so justfying job market is improving, but the unemployment rate has picked up to seven nine, senven point nine percent. This is NPR.
  The White House is offering a possible ... for the religious employers who argue they should not be forced to include contraception in their healthcare coverage because it voilated their religion tendance. The administration proposes religious employers gave the birth control aspect coverage to a third party in which women still be able to abtain contraceptance at no cost.
  Prosecuters at Guantunamo Bay Cuba have dropped charges against three suspected terrotist detainees, NPR's Dena Temple reports that does mean the three will be going home.
  Back in October, the appeal's court fist millitary commissions convictions of Osama Ben Laten's driver, they found his defense providing material support for terrorism was not recognized as an international war crime. Question after the ruling was how many more detainees there in Guantunamo could be effected by that decision. As of this week, we now know that it'll affect at least three more. The charges of conspiracy and material support against ... ... and ... were dismissed this week. But now they have been added to 46 so other detainees who were been held indefinetly in Guantunamo under the laws of war. Dena Templerestan, NPR news.
  And tensive search for victims continues at the headquaters Mexico's state owned oil company, palmax where explosion erupted an office building yesterday. 32 people were confirmed dead yesterday, more than 100 people are hurt. Athorities in Mexico said they are investigating the cause of the blast.
  Dow was up 141 points at 14,002. I'm Lakshmi Singh, NPR news in Washington.