NPR美国国家公共电台 2013-05-19(在线收听

  Three people were remaining in critical condition from yesterday's community train clash in Conneticut.Some 700 people were affected when a train headed to New York Grant Central terminal to rally outside *of Conneticut.It was hit by a second train travelling towards the terminal and some of the cars on the train also *. About 700 People were hospitalized although most have been released.The National Transportion Safety Board is investigating along with Connecticut officials and track service between New York City and Newheaven Connecticut has been suspended, so investigators may work.North Korea has fired 3 short-range missiles in defiance of international sanctions. As NPR ** reports South Korea has strengthen its surveillance posture.


  North Korea launched 2 guided missiles this morning and the third in the afternoon according to the South Korea's Defence Ministry.All landed in the water of the eastern coast of the Korean Peninsula. This comes when the *tensions have been * following among the escalating threats including nuclear strikes. Pyongyang has recently withdrawn 2 midrange misslies which have been posed for firing on the country's east coast.The last time such short range missiles were fired just two months ago in March.


  This latest launch comes just after the United Nations issued a report saying that the international sanctions are ruinning in the development of North Korea's nuclear and missile programs.Louis Lin, NPR News,Beijing.


  The bureau of Land Management has announced recreation of restrictions on federal land Arizona. Maryland member station KGZZ in Phoenix reports officials is predicting a dangerous summer for wildfires.The ** has protected 2.5million acres in western Arizona and southeastern California that borded the Colorado river.So far the agency hasn't colored any recreaction areas but it hasn't imposed those restrictions on smoking and camp fires. A mild  winter combined slow before to leave vergetation dry and bump a fire


  especially the higher temperature reaches the triple* and the summer winds begin the pick-up.A good portion of desert of the Southwest including Arizon, California, New Mexico and parts of Texas are moldering risk for a fire now according to the National Intelligence Fire Center which monitors wildfire conditions.For NPR News, I am ** in Phoenix.


  There are 2 wildfires burning fairly close together in southern California near **. They are both in brush north Los Angelas.The biggest fire is more than 75% contained after scorching about 4300 acres.


  Residents of northern Texas starts to go home to damaged houses. Many homes were wrecked Wednesday night after an extremly powerful tornado passed through.Six people were killed and dozens of people were hurt.Powerline was down and water mine has been damaged.The town of * was worst affected with the tornado with the strength between 166 and 200 miles per hour winds.This NPR.


  Same sex couples will soon be able to get married in France. French President ** signed the measure into law today permitting the union.Same sex couples will now be allowed to adopt children as well.Opponents of the practice have staged large rallies for occasionally, it turned violent.France which has many Roman Catholics was splited over the measure although some polling suggested French voters back the measure.


  Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Berneke usually speaks about what the Nation Central Bank is doing to boost the economy.But in his commencement to address today to graduated students in * college, the Fed Chief focused on a longer round of perspective.** international reports.


  Berneke took a break from current economy quoes looking into the future and found it bright.He acknowledged the recovery faces real challenges but said it is very confidence we will overcome them.Looking ahead,he disputed the contentions that the current technological revolution will improve the standards of living less than previous eras that gave the world steam engine, electricity, telephone and such.He told * classes 2013 the commerical application of the infomation technology has only scratched the surface.And he said humanity capacity to innovate and the incentive to innovate are greater today than any time in history.NPR News, I am**.


  There is a drawing tonight for the biggest Jackpot in Power Ball history. The lottery says the grant prize is worth at least 600million dollars and it may grow more by the time of tonight's drawing as lottery fans continue to buy tickets. They are available in 43 states, Washington DC and US Virgin Islands.This is NPR News.


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