NPR美国国家公共电台 2013-07-04(在线收听

  From NPR News in Washington, I'm Lakshmi Singh
  Egyptian president Mahmud Mansour is out .Hundreds of thousands  people in Cairo burse into cheer on news of today military coop. Under nightfall this hour flag are waving, people are celebrating into real square .Relen 2011 revolution top Mabar regime .AS  head of military is heard through interpreter telling people to keep that way .The unforces cause on great Egyptian people from all exhaust to expect basinful demonstration to avoid violence that we led to only to more lechard and martis .He says Mansour has replaced with chief justice supreme constitutional court .His Islamist expect constitution has been suspended and early presidential election would be held .NPR says CC was not alerted when he made televised address to the nation .The important to know that when he was delivering the speech .He was surrounded by the country's top religious leader both corp Christian and Muslim and also by Nobel laurel ML .Other people on the stage as well again people who have been in protest move again ,the former, now former president Mahad Morse .NPR .
  The state department is calling all sides to exercise restraint and lower the violence ,NPR Michelle reports US has been watching with concern as protest going off key ally .US embassy in Cairo is closed as consulate in Alar. State Department spokesman Jame says they would remain closed for the coming days as US urging Americans to avoid traveling to Egypt because of political unrest. It's extremely tense and fast moving situation in Egypt we are monitoring very closely .She criticized Mahan Morse for not named out of step ,they couldn't mean some demand protesters Saki stop sure of criticizing Egyptian military which Morse supporters say it's carrying now a coop .Michelle Clement NPR news Washington. The US trade deficit is still growing ,the commerce department is reporting that 55 billion dollar in balance in May that's 12% higher than April deficit as largest trade gaping 6 months .Exports fell 0.3% reflecting economic troubles with US trading partners .Imports rose 1.9% but overall ,the trade deficit is currently running lower than it was then time last year. Before the close in half day recession, Dow was up 57% in 14989. You are listening to NPR news.
  A Cliff man charged with holding three women kept for about a decade has been found competent to stand trial .Kevin Lener Member station WKSU has latest .During the pre-trial hearing Judge Mike read result doctor's valuation to suspect Ari. Her family captor is common for receiving assistant council and trial .CS was facing 329 charges of rape ,kidnapping, assault acre murder .Prosecutors say more charges are expected .During the hearing, CS asked to be allowed to see 6 year old daughter who was child ,one of alleged hostage .That request was denied . The trial is scheduled to begin on this field .For NPR news, I'm Kevin in Cliff Land .Firefighters nationwide has observed moment of silence for comrade killed in night of duty in centre Arizona on Sunday .19 members of Grand mountain hockshop was overwhelming by ad control fire .Outside mountain town of Naya ,it was deadly single event involving firefighters since 911 attack .This hour, Hundreds of firefighters are still trying to contain the Yala hill blaze which burned more than 8,400 acres.
  The state three transit striking San Francisco bay area .Although more rush hour commuters were expected to avoid another day major delay by basically taking off early for July first holiday .The bay area rapid transit agency and Union workers are resuming contract talk this step .Before the close ,the US stocks were higher ,Dow was up 17 points on the half day recession ended 14989.
  This is NPR.