China Likely to Issue 4G Licenses by Year End(在线收听

  Internet users in China are eagerly looking forward to ultra-fast 4G mobile Internet services. The anticipation has heated up following the government's announcement that licenses to operate such wireless system will be issued before the year's end.
  CRI's Mark Cavigli has more.
  At a 4G service center of China Mobile in Henan's Zhengzhou city, customers are trying out the new service with high expectations for faster speeds and easier access.
  "I look forward very much to the availability of 4G service, which will be faster than the current 3G network. But I'm not sure if it will be able to synchronize with televisions and other home appliances."
  "I hope it will be launched soon. I really want to experience it as soon as possible."
  The fourth-generation wireless service is designed to deliver a speed four to ten times faster than today's 3G system, the most widespread, high-speed wireless service at the moment.
  China Mobile, China's largest cell phone provider, is now promoting a homegrown 4G standard and hopes to start commercial rollout soon.
  The core technologies are ready and the company has been ramping up installations of its base stations, which will be shared by both 3G and 4G networks.
  Li Xiaobang is an engineer with China Mobile.
  "We need to examine all the base stations currently used for 3G services, including the machine room and the roof, and carry out Long Term Evolution upgrade, either to F frequency band or to D frequency band, based on overall conditions of the base stations."
  According to Li, the company is hoping to finish the work as soon as possible so people can use the new service once the 4G license is issued.
  The government says it will press ahead with building infrastructures and hopes to issue 4G licenses by the end of this year.
  There are 1.2-billion mobile phones in China, more than any other country in the world.
  For CRI, this is Mark Cavigli.