新西兰英语 617 New Zealand Olympic uniform(在线收听

   The Olympic uniform was shown to John Key and other guests at a dinner on Thursday evening. It is based on the uniform which was worn by the New Zealand athletes at the London Olympics in 1948. The black blazer has white piping around the edge, and on the pocket is a fern above the Olympic rings in white. This is similar to the 1948 blazer. The blazer is for formal occasions. There are also clothes for casual wear and for training, for example a black T shirt with the Olympic rings in the five different colours. The uniform also includes a black singlet with a silver fern on it, shorts, track suit, formal trousers and a white formal dress with a black design. Other items are jandals, sun hats and rain coats.

  In 1948, New Zealand sent seven athletes to the London Olympics. This year our team will have about 200 athletes plus another 100 support people such as coaches, managers, physiotherapists and doctors.
  A New Zealand / Australian company won the contract for the uniforms which were designed in Australia and made overseas. New Zealand clothing designers are unhappy about this.
  To see the uniforms, go to TVNZ. To see the New Zealand team going to the Olympics, go to Olympics New Zealand.
  based on – they started with that idea and made it modern
  piping – a narrow tube of fabric for decorating the edge; often used on cushions
  casual wear – for relaxing
  training – practising
  singlet – has no sleeves
  items – things
  support people – helpers
  physiotherapist – a person who treats injuries, sometimes with massage
  contract – an agreement to make uniforms for a good price
  Do you think the uniforms should have been designed in New Zealand?
  If an athlete wins a medal, what uniform do they wear to receive the medal?
  How did athletes travel to London in 1948? How long would that take?