标准美语发音的13个秘诀 CD 3 Track 57(在线收听


Review Exercise 7: Who Did It? I Don't Know!    CD 3 Track 57 

Repeat the following statements and responses expressing the various feelings.

1.  Who did it? (curiosity)  I don't know. (ignorance)

2.  Who did it? (interrogation)  I don't know. (self-protection)

3.  Who did it? (anger)  I don't know. (insistence)

4.  Who did it? (repeating)  I don't know. (strong denial)

5.  Who did it? (sarcasm)  I don't know. (self-justification)

6.  Who did it? (sadness)  I don't know. (despair)

7.  Who did it? (relief)  I sure don't know. (blithe ignorance)

8.  Whooo did it? (coy interrogation)  I don't know. (sing-song)

9.  Who did it? (annoyance)  I don't know. (equal annoyance)

10.  Who did it? (laughingwith disbelief)  I don't know. (laughingignorance)

11.  Who did it? (surprise)  I dunno. (sullenness)

12.  Who did it? (your choice)  I don't know. (your choice)
