访谈录 2013-05-06&05-08 《钢铁侠3》大反派满大人主演金斯利(在线收听

Iron Man 3 opens tomorrow here in the US, already a massive hit overeas. And our favorite cast of characters are all back: Robert Dony Junior, Grainer Poucher, Down Shedo, and now they face a new foe - the Mandarin played by Sir Ben Kingsley. Take a look.

Now it’s clear.
Master’s traveling.
Well, then, what were we waiting for?

That’s it, in a nutshell, by the way, Sir Ben Kingsley, it’s good enough to join us this morning. And you know we see him there. He has all that affectations(装腔作势;假装) of movie bad guy, terrorist bad guy. And yet, he is so much more than he looks and seems.

Well, I decided not to play him villainously, but try and play him as a man who has a profound belief in his own sense of righteousness. That is what’s terrifying about these people who hack into our airwaves and broadcast to us. And they have a totally almost benign percivity about them and they are uttering the most violent and distructive things. So that was my, that was my joggle.

And you do so again in a, there was a line where your speech patterns are compared to a battiest creature.


And I know that you said there is a lesson here. Read the script and read the whole script because that’s how you sort of, that’s how you based the speech.

Absolutely. My dear colleague Robert Dony Junior, refers to my speech patterns as about his creature. Then I also read in the screenplay that I preferred to call myself a teacher, I actually said those lines myself. And in the script there is, there is all about the right creature - that’s beautiful rhythmic speech and patterns that I can, that I can get inside the word and stretch it to other word almost loses its meaning, but becomes a thread. It was a great acting exercise.

Quickly, Robert said earlier this week these movies are only as good as their bad guys. Did it, was it fine, was it as fine as it appeared to become this, this …

Well, let me go right back at Robert. I’m only as good as the company I keep. And he is a magnificent leading man. And he is welcome onto the set as extraordinary. So the new guys he mentioned in the team, myself included, were made so welcome, and we were teamplayers within seconds, which is a great, you know, a great attribute(品质;属性) for a team to have. And he shows on the screen.

It certianly does again and it becomes something greater than itself. Wonderful to have you here.

Great to here.

It sits here the yap dior, the best luck,

Thank you.

would be the film again. It is Iron Man 3 and it opens tomorrow.
