万花筒 2012-01-07&01-09 2012真的是世界末日吗?(在线收听

 For most people, the new year is cause for celebration, but for some this year cause for concern, concern that we’ve only got a year left on the planet. You’ve probably heard this, that according to the ancient Mayan prophecy the world will end in late 2012. So we put our own Dr. doom, Ron Coinford.

Listen, I don’t want to ruin your new year’s day, but there may not be, friends, there may not be a new year’s day in 2013, may not happen. Archaeologists in Mexico have found a tantalizing artifact that mentions the year 2012, and that discovery is now adding fuel to web for some people was already burning a question: will the world end at the end of this year?
Behold, the end is coming next year.
That is if you believe that kind of thing, here’s another tantalizing piece of evidence, a brick discovered in the ancient Mayan ruins of C.C, that cites the year 2012, that’s the exact same year mentioned on a 1300 year old tablet previously found among the nearby ruins of T with this intriguing inscription. 
It’s basically saying that the DT *** appears on December 21st of 2012. And he descends and he performs a ritual, which lets some people to say this sign pointing to December 21st 2012, or maybe the 23rd as doomsday.
In the movie 2012 that fatal day begins with California plunging into the sea and then things really get bad. We have,of course,being here before. There were write to indicate at the end of the last century. And the California prophet doom predicated the biblical end of day’s earlier this year.
It’s almost like we are looking for evidence of looming apocalypse. So I think that also ties into a lot of uncertainty that exists in our world today. 
Skeptics say the Mayan inscription’s actually saying nothing about doomsday.
There’s no real prophecy that says this is going to be the end of the world, not from the Mayan ruins in any ways.
I can think of a lot of reasons to catch out and run away with your family these days to a desert island. But this Mayan prophecy isn’t one of them.
Or is it?
And of course for every sign that doomsday believer cites, skeptics come up with a rational rebuttal then, they can point out the indisputable fact that all the previous prognostication of the doom didn’t exactly work out. After all, we’re still here. But I suppose the only way we will really know whether the world ends on December of 2012 is to wait until December 2012. By the way, the 21st, which somebody thinks is the last day on earth, is a Friday, so nothing else, we get that weekend on, and forever.
Look it on the bright side, thank you, Ron, happy New Year to you.
Happy New Year to you.