
   1. 开心时的表情:

  a. 有些人特别豪爽,碰到开心事会肆意地大笑,这时他们的表情和动作可以这么来描述:throw his/her head back in a hearty laugh,表示头往后仰,然后哈哈大笑起来。hearty 就是指“豪爽,不加掩饰”的意思。
  b. 遇到很开心的事情时,我们肯定会大笑。而大笑的时候,嘴角就会朝着两只耳朵的方向翘,所以我们有时就会说 smile/grin from ear to ear,意思是指因开心而咧着嘴笑。比如 A 说 "What about giving Mary a bike for her birthday?"(给玛丽买辆自行车当生日礼物如何?)B 回答道 "Good idea. She'll smile from ear to ear."(好主意,她一定会笑得合不拢嘴。)
  c. 另外还有比较简单的说法,就是 wide/big smile,指开心咧嘴的笑脸。比如:Come on, a big smile for me!(快给我开心地笑一个吧!)。
  d. toothy grin 表示咧嘴、露出牙齿的笑容,让人感觉有点顽皮、可爱的笑。
  e. 有时人们并没有笑出声,脸上的笑容也不是最明显,但他们的 sparkling eyes(闪闪发光的眼神)可以让我们看出他们实际上很开心。比如:Did you see the way her eyes sparkled? She's so happy.(你们看到她闪闪发亮的眼神了吗?她肯定觉得很开心)。
  2. 难过时的表情:
  a. pout 表示努嘴,不满意的表情。比如:See how she pouts, someone must be not very happy.(瞧瞧她那努嘴的样子,有人正生气呢)。
  b. frown 表示皱着眉头的难过表情。比如:Come on, wipe that frown from your face, nothing's that bad.(我说吧,你就不要那么一副难过表情了,没什么大不了的事)。
  c. teary-eyed 指的是泪满眼眶的表情。比如:She's all teary-eyed.(她眼泪盈眶)。
  d. eyes downcast 指眼睛往下,一副失望、失落的表情。比如:He had his eyes downcast and was crestfallen.(他低着头,一副特别失落的样子)。
  3. 生气时的表情:
  a. mean look in the eyes 表示眼神里充满了愤怒,想要揍人的样子。比如:I was frightened by the mean look in his eyes.(他眼神里充满愤怒,让我感到害怕)。
  b. pursed lips 描述的是紧闭双唇,看上去一副想训人的样子。比如:Her lips were pursed, and she was ready to let him have it.(她的双唇紧闭着,准备好好训他一顿)。
  c. face flushed with anger 描述的是气得满脸通红的样子。比如:His face was flushed with anger, like he's about to throw a tantrum.(他一副气得满脸通红的样子,好像马上就要暴跳如雷了)。
  4. 其他表情:
  a. smirk 是指嘲弄地笑。比如:She smirked and I could tell she was happy that I had failed.(她嘲弄地笑了笑,我知道她是因为我失败了而感到高兴)。
  b. grimace 描述的很不喜欢某件事或是某个人的时候的表情。比如:She grimaced at the fact that he was there at the party.(她因为他也在派对现场,所以皱了一下眉头)。
  c. chin up and nose high up in the air 指的是抬起下巴,鼻子高高向上,喻指一副目中无人、很不屑的表情。比如:She had her chin up and nose high up in the air, like she's the queen of the world.(她一副趾高气昂、目中无人的样子,就像自己是女王一样)。