
China’s superstar pianist Lang Lang has become a United Nations' Messenger of Peace. He is the first Messenger of Peace from China.
The 31-year-old says the role is more important than his music. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon said Lang Lang will focus on a key UN priority: Getting 57 million children around the world who are currently not receiving an education into classrooms.
 现年31岁的郎朗表示该项殊荣对他来说比音乐更重要。联合国秘书长 Ban Ki-moon表示郎朗将致力与帮助推进联合国优先项目:帮助全球570万失学儿童走进课堂。
It’s the highest honor bestowed by a UN chief on accomplished individuals in any field. Lang Lang has also been a goodwill ambassador for the UN children’s agency, UNICEF, for 10 years.
