名人励志英语演讲 第89期:让我们选举巴拉克·奥巴马为美利坚合众国总统(2)(在线收听) |
And I come here as a daughter, raised on the South Side of Chicago by a father who was a blue-collar city worker and a mother who stayed at home with my brother and me. My mother's love has always been a sustaining force for our family, and one of my greatest joys is seeing her integrity, her compassion, her intelligence reflected in my daughters. 我作为一个女儿来到了这里,父母在芝加哥南部把我抚养大,那时我的爸爸是一名城市蓝领工人,我的妈妈、哥哥和我待在家里。我妈妈的爱一直是我们家庭持久的动力,我最大的快乐之一就是看到我女儿身上折射出我妈妈的正直、同情心以及她的智慧。
My dad was our rock. And although he was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis in his early 30s, he was our provider. He was our champion, our hero. But as he got sicker, it got harder for him to walk, took him longer to get dressed in the morning, you know. But if he was in pain, he never let on. He never stopped smiling and laughing, even while struggling to button his shirt, even while using two canes to get himself across the room to give my mom a kiss. He just woke up a little earlier and he worked a little harder.
He and my mom poured everything they had into me and Craig. It was the greatest gift a child could receive, never doubting for a single minute that you're loved and cherished and have a place in this world. And thanks to their faith and their hard work, we both were able to go to college. So I know firsthand, from their lives and mine, that the American Dream endures.
1. be diagnosed with
eg. Susan had a mental breakdown and was diagnosed with schizophrenia.
eg. Aidan was diagnosed with the illness when he was five months old.艾当五个月大的时候,被诊断得了这种病。
2. let on
eg. I didn't let on to the staff what my conversation was.
eg. He knows the culprit but is not letting on.
3. stop doing
eg. I've been told to lose weight and stop smoking.
eg. He can't stop thinking about it.
注:与stop to do的区别:stop to do是停下(手头的事情)去做另外一件事;
eg. There is something rather strange about all this if one stops to consider it.
eg. I stopped to read the notices on the bulletin board
4. pour into
eg. The Government continues to pour billions of pounds into its massive road-building programme.
eg. Food donations have poured in from all over the country.
米歇尔·拉沃恩·奥巴马(Michelle LaVaughn Obama,1964年1月17日-),是美国总统 - 巴拉克·侯赛因·奥巴马二世的妻子。她本身也是一名律师,出生及成长于芝加哥南部,曾就读普林斯顿大学及哈佛大学法学院。
随着奥巴马当选第44任美国总统,米歇尔亦随即成为第一位非洲裔美国籍总统夫人,以及个子最高的第一夫人,身高达180厘米(5尺11寸)。完成学业后,她返回芝加哥为全美第六大律师行悉尼·奥斯汀律师事务所服务,是芝加哥市长戴利之直属雇员,也为芝加哥大学及芝加哥大学医学中心服务。米歇尔早于1980年代末期已结识同于悉尼·奥斯汀律师事务所工作的奥巴马,两人于1992年结婚。根据美国传统,改为夫姓。1998年及2001年诞下长女及次女。米歇尔的父亲于1990年去世,母亲则仍于一女装直销公司出任秘书,米歇尔有一于俄勒冈州立大学任职篮球教练的兄长。由于她非常着重自己的形象、举止及衣着品味,因此经常被媒体评为衣着最佳之列,更将之与美国已故第一夫人杰奎琳·肯尼迪比较。 |
原文地址:http://www.tingroom.com/lesson/mrlzyj/235841.html |