NPR美国国家公共电台 NPR 2013-10-11(在线收听

 From NPR News in Washington,I am Jack Speer.

The US is announcing the suspension of hundreds of millions of dollars in military aid to Egypt    follows the ouster Egyptian president Mosi in the subsequent crackdown there by the country's military back to government. Tomorrow witnesses with     center for middle east policy to bokensis institution says the suspension will not add much affect.
This please nobody,but it allows them i   to draw a line under the controversy that's being raging over US foreign assistance to Egypt since the military take over in July.
US provides 1.5 billion dollars aid to the country each year,much to the military, state department says the US will continue to withhold the aid until credible progress is made to holding free and fair elections.
President Obama has picked Janes Yelin to be the next chair of the federal reserve,calling her one of the nation's foremost economists and policy makers. NPR's Craig Wemdor reports Obama has formally nominated Yelin to succeed Ben Bernnake who retires in January.
Yelin credits Bernnekan with helping lead the US out of the worest economic downturn since the great depression.
The economy stronger and financial system sounder.
But Yelin says more needs to be done to boost the economy and help those hardest tip by the recession.
Too many Americans still can't find a job and worry how to pay their bills and provide to their family
If confirmed by the senate,Yelin will be the first woman to head the fed or any    central bank for that matter,she is expected to face resistence though from republicans who oppose the fed's bound-buying strategy which aims  at  holding down longterm interest rates.Craig Wendorm,NPR News,Washington.
    sign democrats and republicans    closer to agreement to end the government shutdown.President Obama met with democrats at the White House today.Meeting with democrats the first of numbers of schedules meetings in coming days,president plans to meet republicans tomorrow.
The pentagon is reviewing the backgrounds of the detainees at Guantanamo prison to determine whether they still present a threat to national security.Senior government officials will meet to consider classified and intelligence on the detainees with     to making some of findings public.NPR's Kerry Johnson reports the Obama administration still try to close the facility.
     the defense department appointed a new envoy Paul Luise to work on shuting the Guantano prison.Now comes a word the inter agency group will relaunch period reviews to a visit whether any of the detainees there can be transfered to other countries or whether they need to be held in definitely under the laws of the war.President Obama insist the reviews in 2011 as a part of his plan to close the facility.165 men remain in Guantanamo and 84 of them have been cleared for release,but had nowhere to go.Karry Johnson,NPR News, Washington.
Make close on Wall Street today,the Don Jones industry average close up 26 points,the nasdaq was down 17 points,s&p500    fraction.You are listening to NPR News in Washington.
US deaprtment of agriculture says it is threatening to shut down 3 California portray processing facilities to      outbreak could left 278 people sick  across the country.US da says faster farmers under the facilities hasn't ultil tomorrow to tell the deaprtment how to fix the problem.     by the agency in Sep shows raw chicken process by the facilities shows trancy of some   link to the outbreak.There in no recall but there you     the whole production by with draw its meat inspectors.
  3 scientists will share the Nobel prize in chemistry this year for takeing chemistry from the lab bench under the computer.NPR's Richard reports this work was    decades ago.
Scientist Michael and Area got together in 1960s to take on an audious idea. They set to work at the adcivcement institute in Israel trying to figure out how can they produce the    computers in that area to minmu  large molo are put together,they wrote a basic computer program to do that.Woa    to do post out research with Martain at Havard who substaionally improved the computer cimulations.Today Washo is in a university of southern California    is at the Stanford university medical school.This year the hornor with carpilis and the 3 will spilit the prize money which is worth of 1.2 million dollars.Richard Harris NPR News.
      is recoverying after a car crash last week    a life of 86 old woman in another vechiel.   sheif officials are push suv 24 year old Jack across the center of the line high way hit the minivan.Passenger in the van 86 year old Irine     crash who is appraently not wearing a safe belt.
I am Jack Speer,NPR News in Washington.