留学生在中国 第10期 Dumpling 饺子(在线收听

   David:I understand that in Chinese culture people normally eat rice or, as an alternative, dumplings at the end of a meal.

  You:We usually eat rice, but we don't usually eat dumplings every day.
  David:Sometimes I have had meals with Chinese friends and at the end of the meal, they choose whether to eat rice or dumplings. Why?
  You:Well, maybe this is true in restaurants when people eat starch to fill up at the end of a meal. But eating at home is different. At home, dumplingsaren't intended for every day consumption. If you eat rice at every meal, although it's convenient, it can get boring. It's a Chinese custom, especially in the north, to eat dumplings the night before Spring Festival.
  David:Why? What's the history?
  You:There is a story but I don't know it. I am from south China and we don't share that custom.
  David:It's not a part of the custom in southern China. It is only a custom in Beijing?
  You:Not only Beijing, but all northern China.
  David:Someone told me before that, because the dumpling is round, it symbolizes the beginning of a new cycle. I am not sure, but sometimes I understand they put a coin inside when they make dumplings, whoever eats the dumpling with the coin will have good luck. Maybe this is more northeastern culture.
  You:Yeah, Ithink so.