

  In telecommunications, microwaves are frequencies above 1 GHz.


  million instructions per second

  Modems (MOdulator/DEModulators)

  Modems are devices that transform digital signals generated by data terminal equipments (DTEs) to analog signal formats, suitable for transmission through the extensive, world-wide connectivity of public and private, switched (dial up) and non-switched telephone voice networks.

  Modification Of Final Judgment (MFJ)

  MFJ is a ruling issued by U.S. District Court Judge Harold Greene which concluded the U. S. Justice Department's antitrust suit against AT&T by modification of an earlier (1956) consent decree's final judgment.


  Modulation is the process of varying certain parameters of a carrier signal i.e., a signal suitable for modulation by an information signal by means of another signal (the modulating or information bearing signal).


  Moving Pictures Experts Group


  metropolitan switching system


  mobile telephone switching office


  message telecommunications service

  Multiline Telephone

  A multiline telephone is a telephone that incorporates visual displays and switches (keys) that permit the station user to access more than one central office or other line and to perform other desired functions. Typical functions include answering or originating a call on a selected line, putting a call on hold, operating an intercom feature, a buzzer, etc. Displays can indicate busy, ringing and message waiting status.
