听电影学英语-生活大爆炸第一季 15.The Pork Chop Indeterminacy(少女测不准)(在线收听

 [00:01.76]on the other hand,some physicists are concerned that 另一方面 有的物理学家担忧

[00:05.12]if this supercollider actually works, 一旦超级粒子加速器研制成功
[00:06.68]it'll create a black hole and swallow up the earth, 它将会制造一个黑洞 吞没整个地球
[00:09.12]ending life as we know it. 结束一切生命
[00:11.48]what a bunch of crybabies. 物理学家真是帮胆小鬼
[00:13.68]No guts,no glory,man. 舍不得孩子套不到狼嘛
[00:16.12]Hey,check it out. 快瞧这个
[00:16.44]The school of pharmacology is looking for volunteers. 药理学院在征召志愿者
[00:19.56]"We are testing a new medication "for social anxiety, "我们需要测试一种新药物 主治社交忧虑
[00:21.48]panic attacks,agoraphobia and obsessive compulsive disorder." 惊慌失措 陌生环境恐惧以及强迫症"
[00:29.12]Why would they be looking for test subjects here? 他们为什么来这儿找测试对象?
[00:31.48]I don't know,raj. 我不知道 Raj
[00:34.36]Maybe the comic book store doesn't have a bulletin board. 因为漫画店里没有公告板吧
[00:38.36]What's going on? 你们在干嘛?
[00:40.12]hot girl in sheldon's office. Sheldon办公室有美女!
[00:43.28]Sheldon's office? Sheldond的办公室?
[00:45.84]Is she lost? 她迷路了吧?
[00:50.08]I don't think so. 我想不是
[00:50.56]I followed her here from the parking lot. 我从停车场一直跟踪她到这里
[00:55.28]Maybe she's his lawyer. 可能是他的律师吧
[00:56.56]Well,she's free to examine my briefs. 她可以随意检查 我的公文包("贴身短内裤")
[00:57.32]-Howard. -I know,I'm disgusting. - Howard - 我知道 这样很猥琐
[00:59.80]I should be punished... by her. 应该受罚...任她处置
[01:01.48]Oh,look,I did it again. 天呀 我又胡来了
[01:03.28]That should do it. 这样就可以了
[01:04.100]Thank you for coming by. 谢谢你来这一趟
[01:13.88]Hello. 大家好
[01:16.28]-Oh,hey,buddy... -"buddy..."? - 嗨 哥们儿 - 哥们儿?
[01:23.00]Sorry I'm late. 对不起我来迟了
[01:22.84]I'm working on a project that 一直在忙项目
[01:25.56]may take me up on the next space shuttle. 我得参加下次的宇航飞行
[01:29.88]How can you be late? 什么叫来迟了?
[01:28.20]I wasn't expecting you at all. 我根本没叫你来
[01:32.64]Nobody ever expects me. 没有人能叫我来
[01:32.36]Sometimes you just look and... bam! 你得到处找寻 然后... 砰!
[01:36.04]Howard wolowitz. 我是Howard Wolowitz
[01:39.72]Sheldon,are you gonna introduce us? Sheldon 快介绍介绍嘛
[01:39.88]Oh,all right. Uh,this is missy. 好吧 这位是Missy
[01:43.24]Missy,this is leonard and rajesh, Missy 这是Leonard Rajesh
[01:43.00]and you've already met howard. 和你已经见识过的Howard
[01:46.48]It's nice to meet you. 很高兴见到你们
[01:47.88]You,too,as well,also.  Yeah. 我也...一样...同样... 是的
[01:51.76]So,how do you two know each other? 你们两个怎么认识的?
[01:54.04]Oh,he once spent nine months 他有一次 花了九个月的时间
[01:56.52]with my legs wrapped around his head. 把脑袋搁在我两条腿之间
[01:60.64]Excuse me? 什么意思?
[02:04.24]She's my twin sister. 她是我的双胞胎妹妹
[02:03.16]She thinks she's funny,but frankly, 她自以为很幽默 不过说实话
[02:07.96]I've never been able to see it. 我从来都不觉得
[02:08.44]That's because you have no measurable sense of humor,shelly. 那是因为你的幽默感 少到可以忽略不计 Shelly
[02:12.04]How exactly would one measure sea nse of humor? 幽默感怎么可以测量呢?
[02:13.40]A humormometer? 幽默感计量表?
[02:17.24]Well,I think you're delightfully droll. 我觉得你很风趣幽默
[02:20.28]Or,as the french say,trs drale. 法国人常说 "très drole(很好笑)" (Howard发音是错的)
[02:24.60]Okay,so let me see if I got this. 好了 看看我记忆力如何
[02:26.08]Leonard,howard and... I'm sorry,what was your name again? Leonard Howard和... 不好意思 你叫什么来着?
[02:57.04]Rajesh. Rajesh
[03:15.32] the big bang theory Season 1 Episode 15   天才理论传 第一季 第15集
[03:23.80]So missy,what brings you all the way from texas? Missy 什么风把你从德克萨斯吹来了?
[03:26.64]Was it perhaps destiny? I think it was destiny. 命运之风 我想是命运之风
[03:29.32]My friend's getting married at disneyland tomorrow night. 我朋友明晚在迪士尼乐园结婚
[03:32.04]Destiny,thy name is anaheim. 命运啊 你的名字就是阿纳海姆! (加州迪士尼乐园所在地)
[03:37.32]And I had to drop off some papers for shelly 我还要给Shelly捎点文件
[03:37.44]to sign for my dad's estate. 给爸爸的不动产签字
[03:38.68]The papers could've been mailed. 文件邮寄就可以了
[03:40.52]Mom just sent you here to spy on me,didn't she? 妈妈让你来监视我的 对吧?
[03:42.20]I guess that's why they call you a genius. 这就是为什么他们叫你天才
[03:44.100]They call me a genius because I'm a genius. 他们叫我天才因为我就是天才
[03:50.80]Tell mom that I currently weigh 165 pounds 告诉妈妈 我现在165磅重
[03:52.20]and that I'm having regular bowel movements. 我的肠道运动相当规律
[03:55.04]Enjoy the wedding.  Good-bye. 婚礼玩得愉快 再见
[03:59.08]If the wedding's not until tomorrow, 既然明天才举行婚礼
[04:01.32]why don't you stay with us tonight? 今晚为何不和我们同住呢?
[04:04.88]Oh,I don't think so. 还是算了吧
[04:05.96]Shelly doesn't like company. Shelly不喜欢有人陪
[04:07.16]Even as a little boy, 他还是个小男孩的时候
[04:07.32]he'd send his imaginary friends home at the end of the day. 晚上都会把想象中的朋友送回家
[04:11.40]They were not friends. 他们不是我的朋友
[04:13.64]They were imaginary colleagues. 他们是我想象中的同事
[04:15.80]Look,you're here.  We have plenty of room. 你瞧 你人都来了 我们房子又有足够的地方
[04:16.36]No,we don'T. 我们没有啊
[04:17.04]Come on,shelly.  She's family. 拜托 Shelly 这可是家里人呐
[04:20.64]So what,ion't issue invitations to your mother. 那又怎样 我也没邀你妈妈住过
[04:24.64]Well,it would be nice not to have to drive to anaheim in rush hour. 不用在交通高峰期 开车去阿纳海姆真好
[04:29.08]And don't ever call me shelly. 不许再叫我Shelly
[04:29.88]So it's settled: You'll stay with us. 那就定了 你和我们住一起
[04:32.52]Yeah,I'll walk you to your car. 我陪去你取车
[04:33.52]You're in structure 3,level c,right? 在三区C层 没错吧?
[04:41.48]What just happened? 刚才是怎么一回事?
[04:44.96]So anyway,we're eight years old 不管怎样 我们那时8岁
[04:45.96]and sheldon converts my easy bake oven Sheldon把我的简易烤炉
[04:48.80]to some kind of high-powered furnace. 改装成了高能锅炉
[04:52.04]just classic. 太经典了
[04:53.84]I needed a place to fire ceramic semiconductor substrates 我想烤一烤瓷半导体基
[04:55.40]for homemade integrated circuits. 做一套自制电路
[04:59.20]He was trying to build some sort of armed robot 他竟做了个武装机器人
[05:01.40]to keep me out of his room. 阻止我进他房间
[05:02.60]Made necessary by her insistence on going into my room. 她执意要进 我不得不做
[05:05.24]Anyway,I go to make those little corn muffins they give you. 我去做那种你们吃的玉米松饼
[05:09.68]There's a big flash. 巨大的火光一闪
[05:09.92]Next thing you know my eyebrows are gone. 我回过神来眉毛就已经烧没了
[05:12.80]not your eyebrows. 不会吧 咋烧眉毛呢
[05:16.16]Yep,I had to go through the entire second grade 没错 整个二年级我都
[05:19.64]with crooked eyebrows my mom drew on. 顶着妈妈画的逗号眉去上学
[05:22.20]Is that what that was? 不就应该这样吗?
[05:22.32]I just assumed that the second grade curriculum 我认为二年级的课程表
[05:26.32]had rendered you quizzical. 和你那造型相得益彰
[05:29.68]hey,leonard,you left your underwear in the dryer downstairs. Leonard你把内裤忘在 楼下的烘干机里了
[05:39.76]Those are not mine. 那不是我的
[05:42.28]Really?  They have your little name label in them. 真的吗? 标签上面还写了你名字呢
[05:47.48]Yeah... no,I do... I... I use those,uh, 嗯...我用这个...唔...
[05:49.04]just to polish up my spearfishing equipment. 来擦我的鱼叉
[05:56.72]I spearfish. 我用鱼叉捕鱼
[05:59.32]When I'm not crossbow hunting,I spearfish. 我不用弩打猎时 就用鱼叉捕鱼
[06:04.40]Uh,penny,this is sheldon's twin sister,missy. Penny 这是Sheldon的孪生妹妹 Missy
[06:08.92]-Missy,this is our neighbor,penny. -Hi. - Missy 这是我们的邻居 Penny - 你好
[06:10.56]you don't look that much alike. 你俩长得可不大像
[06:10.92]Can I get a hallelujah? 谢天谢地
[06:16.16]Fraternal twins come from two separate eggs. 我们是异卵双胞胎
[06:17.56]They are no more alike than any other siblings. 不比其他兄妹更相像
[06:19.84]Hallelujah! 谢天谢地
[06:22.56]Hey,guess what. 嗨 猜猜怎么了
[06:24.52]I've been accepted as a test subject for a new miracle drug 我被选为一种神奇新药物 的测试对象了
[06:24.100]to overcome pathological shyness. 来克服病态羞怯感
[06:28.52]Oh,good for you,raj. 恭喜你 Raj
[06:29.76]Yes,I'm very hopeful. 是的 我满怀希望
[06:32.60]Hello,missy. 你好 Missy
[06:42.04]They mentioned there may be side effects. 他们说会有副作用的
[06:47.84]So,missy,have you ever met a man Missy 你有没有见过
[06:49.12]from the exotic subcontinent of india? 来自充满异国情调的 印度次大陆的男人?
[06:54.00]Well,there's dr. Patel at our church. 见过 我们教堂的Patel博士
[06:55.32]Ah,yes,patel-- good man. 对 Patel 很好的人
[06:57.64]Do you like motorcycles? 'Cause I ride a hog. 你喜欢摩托车吗 我有辆HOG (哈雷拥有者协会的车)
[07:03.56]A hog? HOG?
[07:03.80]You have a two-cylinder scooter with a basket in the front. 你有的是 前面带篮子的两缸电动车
[07:08.80]You still have to wear a helmet. 反正都带头盔嘛
[07:10.04]Have you ever heard of the kama sutra? 你听说过伽摩经吗?
[07:12.16]-The sex book. -the indian sex book. - 性典? - 印度性典!
[07:17.80]In other words,if you "wonder,wonder 也就是说 如果你想知道
[07:19.36]who wrote the book of love," it was us. 是谁写了爱之典籍 是我们印度人!
[07:22.88]-So,sheldon's sister is pretty cute -I wasn't staring. - Sheldon的妹妹很有魅力 - 我没盯着她看
[07:27.92]I didn't say you were. I just said she was cute. 我没说你看了 我只是说她很有魅力
[07:30.88]Oh,maybe,if you like women who are tall... and perfect. 还行吧 如果你喜欢高个子... 又完美的女人
[07:41.80]Sheldon,why are you ignoring your sister? Sheldon你为什么不理你妹妹?
[07:45.16]I'm not ignoring my sister. I'm ignoring all of you. 我不是不理她 我是无视你们所有人
[07:48.32]I brought snacks! 我拿了小零食
[07:51.12]Oh,my,gherkins and... 哦 天呀 腌黄瓜和...
[07:54.84]onion dip.It's onion dip. 洋葱酱 那个是洋葱蘸酱
[07:58.20]We don't entertain much. 我们不常款待客人
[08:04.96]Missy.  Do you enjoy pajamas? Missy 你喜欢宽松睡衣吗?
[08:06.72]I guess. 我想是的
[08:06.48]Yeah,we indians invented them. 那是我们印度人发明的
[08:09.60]You're welcome. 不用客气
[08:14.92]Yeah,well,my people invented circumcision. 我们犹太人发明了割礼
[08:20.52]You're welcome. 不用客气
[08:25.00]Missy,I'm gonna go get my nails done. Missy 我要去做美甲
[08:25.80]-Do you want to come? -God,yes. - 你想来吗? - 求之不得
[08:27.44]-Thanks. -You're welcome. - 谢谢 - 不用客气
[08:32.20]Bye,guys. 伙计们再见
[08:32.44]-Bye,missy. -Bye,missy,see you. - Missy 再见 - Missy 再见 一会儿见
[08:33.24]-Good-bye,leonard. -Oh,yeah,no,uh,bye,penny. - 再见 Leonard - 是...不... 再见 Penny
[08:39.08]Okay,you two have to back off. 你们两个得靠边站
[08:41.60]Why should I back off? You back off,dude. 凭什么要我靠边站 你怎么不靠边站?
[08:42.32]Excuse me,this is my apartment,and she's my roommate's sister. 拜托 这是我的公寓 她是我室友的妹妹
[08:45.40]So what?  You've already got penny! 那又怎样 你都已经有Penny了
[08:48.68]How do I have penny? 我哪里有Penny了?
[08:47.72]In what universe do I have penny? 你哪只眼睛看见我有Penny了?
[08:51.76]-So I can have penny? -Hell,no! - 那我能要Penny了吗? - 没门!
[08:56.28]Excuse me.  Can I interject something? 打扰一下 我能说句话吗?
[08:60.16]I'm ordering pizza online. 我正在网上预定比萨呢
[08:60.60]Is everyone okay with pepperoni? 意大利辣香肠的行吗?
[09:04.20]-Sheldon,can I talk to you in private? -I guess. - Sheldon 我能和你私下谈谈吗? - 我猜行
[09:09.96]Don't worry.  I was going to order you cheese-less. 别着急 我给你预订了不加奶酪的
[09:10.40]-Thank you. -It's okay. - 谢谢 - 不客气
[09:11.40]Lactose intolerance is nothing to be embarrassed about. 你不耐乳糖 这没什么可害羞的
[09:17.92]I'm a fancy indian man. We invented pajamas. 我是了不起的印度人 我们发明了宽松睡衣
[09:21.00]Hey,look at me.  I don't have a foreskin. 嗨 快瞧 我没有包皮
[09:30.40]Sheldon... Sheldon...
[09:35.84]are you aware that your sister 你有没有意识到 你妹妹
[09:35.88]is an incredibly attractive woman? 非常的性感有魅力?
[09:39.24]she certainly has the symmetry and low body fat 她长得很对称 身体脂肪比很低
[09:41.20]that western culture deems desirable. 西方文化是推崇的
[09:44.68]It's noteworthy,at other points in history, 值得一提的是 在某些历史阶段
[09:48.56]heavier women were the standard for beauty 胖一些的女性才符合标准美
[09:50.08]because their girth suggested affluence. 因为她们的腰围显示了财富
[09:53.04]-That's fascinating,but... -I didn't say it was fascinating. - 这非常有趣 但是... - 我没有说这很有趣
[09:54.36]I said it was noteworthy. 我说这是值得一提的
[09:58.84]All right,but... noted. 好的 但是...我注意到了
[10:01.20]My point is that koothrappali and wolowitz, 我想说的是Koothrappali 和Wolowitz,
[10:04.40]they're hitting on your sister. 他们看上你妹妹了
[10:06.40]Oh,it'S... 实在是...
[10:08.72]oh,ay. 好吧
[10:12.20]You know,I don't want to criticize your rhetorical style, 我不想批评你的修辞风格
[10:13.60]but we'd be a lot further along in this conversation 但是 如果你直奔主题的话
[10:15.84]if you'd begun with that thought. 我们的讨论本可以快得多
[10:17.16]That's great,but my... 太好了 但是我...
[10:18.24]what I'm saying is that we took quite an unnecessary detour 我是说 绕了这么大一个圈
[10:22.84]from what I now understand to be your thesis. 我才知道你的本意是什么
[10:22.92]Whatever. 随便你怎么说啦
[10:25.44]-You have to do something about it. -Why? - 你得想个办法才行 - 为啥?
[10:28.96]Because she's your sister. 因为她是你妹妹
[10:31.24]I don't understand. 我很费解呀
[10:33.08]Yes,we shared a uterus for nine months, 对 我们的确共用了子宫九个月
[10:37.28]but since then we've pretty much gone our own separate ways. 但从那以后我们就分道扬镳了
[10:40.84]Okay,uh,consider this... with your father gone, 好吧 想想吧... 你父亲早逝
[10:43.96]it is your responsibility to make sure that 那兄长就有责任
[10:46.88]missy chooses a suitable mate. 在Missy选最佳配偶的时候把好关
[10:50.56]I hadn't considered that. 这我倒还没有想到
[10:55.24]We do share dna. 既然我们分享了基因
[10:57.00]So there is the possibility,however remote, 那就会有一种可能 尽管它微乎其微
[10:57.32]that resting in her loins is the potential 在她的耻骨区隐藏着一种潜能
[10:60.32]for another individual as remarkable as myself. 可以和一个如同我般 卓越的人完美的配对
[11:05.16]Exactly. 瞧你说的多对呀
[11:06.84]And you owe it to yourself and to posterity to protect 你理应为了你和你的子孙们
[11:09.52]the genetic integrity of your sister's future offspring. 捍卫你妹妹后代的基因完整性
[11:16.28]You're right. 说的太对了
[11:16.92]If someone wants to get at missy's fallopian tubes, 如果谁想占有Missy的输卵管
[11:19.52]they'll have to go through me. 统统得先过我这一关
[11:31.08]I am shiva the destroyer! I will have the woman. 湿婆(印度神) 赐予我毁灭的力量! 我要得到这女人
[11:35.36]I'm warnin ug yo I was judo champion at math camp. 不要怪我没有警告过你 我可是数学夏令营的柔道冠军
[11:40.64]All right,now that's enough juvenile squabbling. 够了 孩子们 调皮时间马上结束
[11:43.32]You stop it.  Stop it,I say! 停下来 我叫你们停下来!
[11:47.72]I'm going to settle this right now. 我现在就来解决这个问题
[11:48.20]Neither of you are good enough for my sister. 你俩都没有资格配我的妹妹
[11:52.60]Who are you to decide that? 凭啥由你来决定?
[11:51.96]He's the man of his family. 人家可是他们家里的爷们呀
[11:55.88]You have to respect his wishes. 你们得尊重他的意愿
[11:55.84]-You're out,too,by the way. -Say what? - 随便说下 你也出局 - 你说什么?
[11:59.60]It's nothing personal. 不是故意针对你
[11:58.48]I'd just prefer if my future niece or nephew 我只是不想我未来的侄子侄女
[12:01.96]didn't become flatulent every time they ate an eskimo pie. 一吃紫雪糕就胃胀气
[12:11.64]What are you so happy about? 你现在乐颠个啥呀?
[12:13.36]I'm not happy. 我一点都不高兴
[12:14.32]It's the medication. I can't stop smiling. 这是药物作用 我笑脸扭不过来了
[12:22.48]Now that leonard's made me aware of how high the genetic stakes are, 既然Leonard提醒了我 基因的风险会有多高
[12:26.48]we have to face the fact that none of you 我们不得不面对一个事实
[12:27.28]are suitable mates for my sister. 你们都不是我妹妹的最佳配偶
[12:29.24]Wait a minute.   Leonard made you aware of that? 等会儿 Leonard提醒你的?
[12:34.52]We all make mistakes. Let's move on. 谁没犯过错呢 我们得向前看
[12:37.52]Excuse me,but I think you're missing a big opportunity here. 打断你下 我认为你将错过一个大好机会
[12:39.08]How so? 此话怎讲?
[12:39.00]Everybody knows genetic diversity produces the strongest offspring. 众所周知遗传多样性 更能筛选出优良的后代
[12:44.52]Why not put a little mocha in the family latte? 为何不加点黑摩卡咖啡 在你家的拿铁里呢?
[12:51.96]In principle,you have a point. 理论上 你说的很对
[12:52.64]But as a practical matter,need I remind you that 但是事实上 我必须提醒你
[12:55.32]it takes experimental pharmaceuticals to simply enable you 服用实验阶段的药物仅仅是
[12:57.84]to speak to the opposite sex. 让你能对异性张口而已
[12:60.88]I think you're focusing entirely too much on the drugs. 我看你实在太多的考虑这些药了
[13:10.48]Is it 'cause I'm jewish? 因为我是犹太人吗?
[13:11.48]'Cause I'd kill my rabbi with a pork chop to be with your sister. 我可以为了你妹妹 用猪排干掉我的犹太老师
[13:19.72]This has nothing to do with religion. 和信仰没有关系
[13:23.80]This has to do with the fact that you're a tiny,tiny man 而是因为 你是个特小特小的男人
[13:24.76]who still lives with his mother. 居然还跟老妈一起住
[13:28.60]Sheldon,you are really being unreasonable. Sheldon 你实在太蛮不讲理了
[13:29.20]Am I? 有吗?
[13:30.100]Here,eat this cheese without farting 来 吃了这片奶酪 要是不放屁
[13:32.100]and you can sleep with my sister. 就让你和我妹妹上床
[13:37.88]Oh,really? 真的?
[13:44.28]Shelly,can I speak to you for a minute?  Alone. Shelly 我可以和你谈下吗? 就我俩
[13:48.48]Why does everyone suddenly want to talk to me alone? 怎么突然都想和我单独谈了?
[13:52.08]Usually nobody wants to be alone with me. 平时都没人愿意和我呆一块
[13:59.92]We all make mistakes. Let's move on. 谁都犯过错 我们得向前看
[14:04.96]Okay,I'm not even going to ask 好吧 我都不打算质问你
[14:06.52]why you're pimping me out for cheese. 怎么会拿奶酪来兜售我
[14:10.56]But since when do you care at all about who I sleep with? 但我想知道什么时候你开始 关心起我和谁上床了?
[14:15.92]Well,truthfully,I've never given it any thought, 说实话 其实我从没有考虑过
[14:15.56]but it has been pointed out to me that 但是让我关心的是
[14:19.28]you carry dna of great potential. 你的基因里 携带着巨大的天赋
[14:21.80]-What on earth are you talking about? -Let me explain. - 你到底在扯什么鬼东西? - 容我解释下
[14:23.16]You see,I'm a superior genetic mutation, 你知道 我是一次高级别的基因突变
[14:25.36]an improvement on the existing mediocre stock. 在已存的平庸血统上的一次进化
[14:30.04]And what do you mean,"mediocre stock"? 你说的"平庸血统"是指什么?
[14:35.72]That would be you. 可能就是你
[14:37.08]But residing within you,is the potential for another me. 你身上所具备的 可以提供潜势给另外的我
[14:41.84]Perhaps even taller,smarter, 也许会更高 更加聪明
[14:43.76]and less prone to freckling,a sheldon 2.0,if you will. 不会老是长雀斑 如果你配合的话 一个Sheldon 2.0版
[14:48.08]-"Sheldon 2.0"? -Exactly. - "Sheldon 2.0版"? - 十分正确
[14:49.96]Now,I am not saying that I should be 我不是在说我就是
[14:54.04]the sole decider of who you mate with. 谁和你配对的唯一决策者
[14:54.84]If you're not attracted to the suitor, 还取决于你对求偶者的吸引力
[14:57.08]then the likelihood of conception will be reduced. 否则孕育的几率将会下降
[14:59.80]-You have got to be kidding me. -Not at all. - 你开什么国际玩笑啊 - 完全不是
[14:60.88]Frequent coitus dramatically increases the odds of fertilization. 频繁的交媾 会激增受精的几率
[15:04.32]Okay,shelly,sit down. 够了 Shelly 坐下
[15:11.16]Now I've lived my whole life dealing with the fact 我活到现在 照老妈的话说
[15:12.96]that my twin brother is,as mom puts it, 我一直活在老哥的阴影下
[15:16.80]"one of god's special,little people." 而他是"上帝的特殊小杰作"
[15:18.68]I always thought I was more like a cuckoo bird. 我一直认为鹃鸠更贴切些
[15:22.52]You know,a superior creature whose egg 一种占优势者的生物
[15:24.56]is placed in the nest of ordinary birds. 把蛋产在普通的 诸如麻雀的巢里
[15:25.00]Of course,the newly hatched cuckoo eats all the food, 很自然地 先出壳的鹃鸠会吃光所有的食物
[15:27.04]leaving the ordinary siblings to starve to death. 剩下那些可怜的小麻雀 只有饿死的份
[15:32.80]Luckily for you,that's where the metaphor ended. 走运的是 对你来说 隐喻到此就结束了
[15:35.56]I thought it ended at "cuckoo." 我以为在你提到鹃鸠的时候 就结束了
[15:42.08]You listen to me. 听我说
[15:42.28]If you want to start acting like a brother 如果你想开始 表现的像个称职的哥哥
[15:44.80]who cares about me,then terrific. 来关心我的话 那就好极了
[15:47.52]Bring it on. 来吧
[15:48.28]But you try one time to tell me who I should be sleeping with, 要是你想再尝试一次 告诉我该和谁上床的话
[15:51.00]and you and i are going to go round 就让你再尝尝我们
[15:52.64]and round the way we did when we were little. 小时候的滋味
[15:54.64]Remember? 还记忆犹新吧?
[15:60.52]I have an alternate proposal. 我有另外一个提议
[15:60.56]Go on. 说吧
[16:02.40]You donate eggs. 你去捐卵子
[16:02.68]We will place them in cryogenic storage. 我们会把它们低温贮存起来
[16:04.20]I will find an appropriate sperm donor for your eggs, 我去找一个和你卵子 配型的捐精者
[16:09.88]have them fertilized and implanted in you. 对它们人工授精后植入你体内
[16:12.24]That way,everybody wins. 这办法 我们就是双赢啦
[16:22.08]Correction. 修正我的声明
[16:24.28]Missy can date whoever she wants. Missy可以和她愿意的人约会
[16:26.72]Look,we have to settle this. 我们得解决下这个问题
[16:30.32]I agree. 对
[16:31.64]Sheldon's sister is hiding at penny's Sheldon妹妹躲到Penny那儿
[16:31.84]because we've all been hitting on her at the same time. 都是因为我们 全一起冲上去献殷勤
[16:34.64]She's not hiding. 人家才不是躲起来呢
[16:36.84]She needed privacy to call her grandmother 她只是需要独处 好给她奶奶打电话去
[16:37.80]who's apparently very sick. 显然人家的奶奶病得厉害
[16:39.88]Oh,and then I believe she has to wash her hair. 我想她总还得洗个头吧
[16:41.96]Oh,you poor,deluded bastard. 你这个可怜的蠢家伙
[16:44.04]Don't start with me,dude. 别惹我 伙计
[16:44.80]You want to go again?  Let's go. 又想单挑啊? 出来呀
[16:47.00]-Sit down. -Okay. - 坐下 - 行
[16:50.52]If we're going to fight over missy,let's do it the right way. 就算我们要争夺Missy 也得按合适的方式来呀
[16:52.48]The honorable way. 高尚的方式
[16:55.40]Take that! 尝尝这个!
[16:56.04]you want some more? 想再来下子吗?
[17:02.00]And he's down! 他倒下啦!
[17:06.88]come on,come on!  Get up! 快 快点! 爬起来!
[17:08.36]Stay down,bitch! 老实趴着吧 贱骨头!
[17:14.28]yeah!  Natural selection at work. 耶! 这是自然选择的结果
[17:18.48]I weep for humanity. 真为人性感到悲哀
[17:20.44]Excuse me while I go tell missy the good news. 不好意思 我该去告诉Missy这个喜讯了
[17:29.64]-Hey,leonard. -Oh,hi,penny.  How's it going? - 好呀 Leonard - 好 Penny 最近好吗?
[17:32.48]Listen,that guy mike that you were dating, 那个你最近约会的 叫Mike的家伙
[17:34.28]is that still going on? 你们还在拍拖吧?
[17:35.24]-pretty much.  Why? -Nothing,just catching up. - 算是吧 怎么? - 没事 只是随便聊聊
[17:36.36]By the way,may I speak to missy,please? 顺便问下 让我和Missy说话 好吗?
[17:39.64]Of course. 当然可以呀
[17:42.76]Hi,leonard.  What's up? 你好 Leonard 有什么事?
[17:44.20]Well,since you're leaving tomorrow, 既然你明天要走了
[17:47.28]I was wondering if you'd like to go to dinner with me. 我想知道你是否愿意 和我共进晚餐呢
[17:50.32]That's so sweet. But no thanks. 太贴心了 但不了 谢谢
[17:53.88]-Do you have other plans or...? -No. - 你是另有安排还是...? - 不是
[17:60.48]All right,enjoy the rest of your evening. 好 那么祝你今晚愉快了
[18:05.96]Thanks.  See ya. 谢谢 再见
[18:13.00]here's something we didn't anticipate. 出了些始料未及的状况
[18:21.80]What do you want,howard? 有什么需要帮助的 Howard?
[18:23.36]I'm fine.  Thanks for asking. 没事 非常感谢你的询问
[18:29.12]I've come to call on missy. 我是想来和Missy打个招呼的
[18:30.68]Missy. Missy
[18:35.08]Hi,howard. 你好 Howard
[18:36.00]The amazing howard. 惊奇无处不在的Howard
[18:39.88]-Do you like magic? -Not really.  No. - 喜欢魔术吗? - 其实不喜欢
[18:43.96]Then you are in for a treat. 那你会喜欢上的
[18:45.36]Behold,an ordinary cane. 瞧 一根普通的手杖
[18:56.48]No. 不想去
[18:60.40]Okay. 没关系
[19:17.100]missy. Missy
[19:21.16]Thank you. 谢谢
[19:21.44]I apprec... apprec... appreeee... 我和感... 干... 敢敢...
[19:32.28]Oh,honey.  Is your medication wearing off? 小家伙 药力快失效了吧?
[19:39.64]Well,hi,tie pie. 你好呀 小可爱
[19:39.92]I was hoping you'd show up. 真期待看到你展现出邀女孩的魅力
[20:11.08]we had a dog who made a noise like tha had to put him down. 我家曾有只像那样吠的狗 不得不宰了它
[20:17.88]Any news you want me to pass along to mom? 有什么你的近况 要我告诉妈妈吗?
[20:22.08]Well,she might be interested to know that 她可能会有兴趣知道
[20:24.44]I have refocused my research from bosonic string theory 我重新把我的研究重心 从玻色弦理论
[20:26.88]to heterotic string theory. 重新转到了杂化超弦理论上
[20:28.28]Yeah,I'll just tell her you say "hey." 我会转告她 你向她问好的
[20:32.76]Okay,well,it was pleasant seeing you, 好吧 除了我小弟弟的事故外
[20:34.16]other than that business with my testicles. 能见到你真是件高兴的事
[20:40.64]Come on,shelly. 来吧 Shelly
[20:47.08]I want you to know I'm very proud of you. 要知道 我可是以你为自豪的哟
[20:48.36]Really? 真的?
[20:50.24]Yep,I'm always bragging to my friends about my brother, 对呀 我一直在我的朋友们那里 吹捧我有个哥哥
[20:54.08]the rocket scientist. 是个火箭专家
[20:56.00]You tell people I'm a rocket scientist? 你给别人说 我是搞火箭研究的?
[20:59.36]Well,yeah. 是呀
[20:60.84]I'm a theoretical physicist. 我是一名理论物理学家
[21:04.00]-What's the difference? -What's the difference?! - 有什么区别呢? - 有什么区别?!
[21:08.92]Good-bye,shelly. 再见了 Shelly
[21:07.80]My god! Why don't you just tell them 我的主呀! 干脆你告诉他们
[21:11.04]that I'm a toll-taker at the golden gate bridge?! 我是金门大桥收过路费的算了!
[21:18.36]Rocket scientist. How humiliating. 火箭科学家 太伤自尊咧