
   Now all of us must realize this is not a spectator's sport, when I was just sitting here watching "amazon.com". Every institution and every entity must grab with this issue at the highest level as management. S&Base, Cacherdeck is one of the largest department stores in Europe. But they are making their first foreway into online sales. That is not an easy decision for an enterprise with huge investments and retail space, not to mention their economic model, their coop culture, rooted and traditional retail sales. Who made the decision for Cacherdeck to jump into online sales? I can assure you it was not their Web master. Increasingly, CEOs of companies, university presidents, government officials are stepping up to these issues. They are testing pilot sites, they are setting strategy, and they are answering questions like "How will this network world affect my organization?" "How are we threatened?" but more importantly, "How can I leverage this new medium for competitive advantage?" The toughest, most jocular decisions that need to be made are which browser or which server their core management and policy issues.

  当我坐在这儿浏览 amazon.com 时,我们大家或许都已意识到这决不是观众在看体育比赛。每一家机构和实体都应该象抓企业管理的一样抓住这个问题。......是欧洲最大的百货公司之一。它们是第一次走向网络销售。这不是一个轻松的决定,这家企业已经有巨大的投资规模和零售空间,更不要说它的经济模式、企业文化和它传统的零售业务了。是谁作出在线销售的决定的呢?我相信决不是它们的网络主管。逐渐地,公司的 CEO 们,大学校长们,政府官员们都在走近这个问题。他们测试试验网站,制定战略,而且对诸如"这个网络世界会对我们的组织产生何种影响?""我们会受到何种威胁?"以及更重要的"我们如何利用这种新的媒体获得竞争优势?"等问题做出回答。最为为难的、最滑稽的是要决定采用何种浏览器或服务器用于核心管理和政策问题。
  1. at the highest level 最高水平
  eg In fact, at the highest level of integration, they can become a business-wide data warehouse.
  2. step up 提高;增加;走近
  eg He urged donors to step up their efforts to send aid to Somalia.
  3. more importantly 更重要的是
  eg More importantly than all of that, she sings in tune.
  路易斯·郭士纳曾经是君临天下的企业霸主——IBM公司总裁。 路易斯·郭士纳郭士纳从小生长在纽约长岛的一个贫穷家庭里,在一所教会中学渡过全部的少年时光。毕业于哈佛大学商业学院。13年的麦肯锡咨询公司实践磨炼,使他成为一名光芒夺目的商界奇才。郭士纳其璀璨、罕见的管理与经营才干,是这个时代的先锋和佼佼者。美国《时代》周刊这样评价郭士纳——“IBM公司董事长兼首席执行官,被称为电子商务巨子”。