学个词 Learn a Word-VOA英语教学 1952 motive(在线收听

1952 motive

今天我们要学的词是 motive. Motive 动机。美国维吉尼亚州刚卸任的州长因贪污的罪名受到起诉。Former Gov. Bob McDonnell fired back at critics, hinting at political motives behind the indictment. 前州长麦当诺对批判者予以反击,暗示起诉背后存在政治动机。美国普渡大学上周发生校园枪击案。Police are still searching for a motive in the deadly shooting. 警方还在调查这次致命枪击案嫌疑人的作案动机。Purdue University's Provost said that no one understands what the motive was. 普渡大学教务长说,没人知道作案动机是什么。好的,今天我们学习的词是 motive, motive, motive...
