
  The Wind of the Sea
  by Charles Fisher and Jane Yang
  The wind of the sea kisses my face,
  Its cool salt tang cleanses the air I breathe;
  The wind of the sea caresses my skin,
  Its gentle touch, soft and cool, like that of a lover;
  The wind of the sea blows in my hair,
  Its restless energy clears my head and gives me peace;
  The wind of the sea takes worries from my heart,
  It gives me infinite joy and cheer, like the sea's wide breast;
  The wind of the sea takes me to a distant future,
  Where joy, passion and excitement are beckoning;
  Ah but the wind of the sea dies as the day ends,
  Leaving me with a transcending sense of tranquility,
  Of being alive, at peace with myself, and the world.
  The wind of the sea will rise again, and...
  I will again feel its tender and refreshing breath,
  As I face a new day.
  I feel it now, the wind of the sea's caress, and shiver,
  It overwhelms my senses yet again, Ah... The pleasure comes!
