GRE写作:如何应用实例完成Issue 段落(在线收听

   很多同学在复习Issue时往往感到困惑,很多时候面对着一个话题,无法整理出连贯的思路和相应的英文表达。导致这一现象的原因主要可以归纳成两点:1, 中文思路匮乏,即便是用中文也无话可说;2, 有话可说,但是无法用英文连贯表达。想要解决上述连个问题,最简单的方法就是在写作复习的过程中,以素材为中心,进行构造练习。

  英文写作中常有一句话,叫做“无例不文”,即没有实例就无法展开一片议论文。 实例,也就是我们常说的素材的灵活运用会从很大程度上增强论述的说服力。在逻辑写作中,考官更希望看到考生能熟练的使用具体而典型的实例,并通过对实例的分析来展开论述。遗憾的是,大部分中国考生对于实例的储备往往不是很充足,导致了在考场上无话可写的尴尬境地。为了解决这一问题,考生在复习阶段,熟悉题库完善提纲的同时,也应积极思考针对于每一道题相应的实例。
  在这里,我们选择一道Issue题来具体讨论如何应用实例来完成Issue 段落。 比如,题库的第61题:
  61 People should undertake risky action only after they have carefully considered its consequences.
  题目内容: 只有在仔细分析过后果之后人们才可以采取有风险的行动。针对于这道Claim类型的题目,提干要求我们给出自己对于观点的态度,以及相应的支持理由。简单来说, 站在社会角度,题目中的观点有一定的意义;我们可以围绕这个方面来进行展开,完成一个一百词左右的段落。首先给出自己的分论点: Admittedly, people benefit from carefully considering the possible consequences of risky actions. 这个句子内容上完成了任务,但是措辞有些低级,进行适度改写。 Admittedly, human beings are to some extent more benefited if both the attractive strengths and potential weaknesses are seriously weighed before allocating precious manpower and material resources to risky activities. 观点给出之后,进行适度的分析拓展,即好处到底是什么:通过进行仔细的分析,社会及全人类可以尽最大限度的减少不必要的损失,从而走得更远。转译成英文如下:Those who are responsible for leading society to success analyzing all possible risks of certain activities carefully, society as a whole is more likely to advance at the minimum expense, thereby further progressing towards sustainable development. 观点适度展开之后,搜索相关实例以支撑起前两句的分析。这里我们可以选择很多不同的领域进行讨论。比如前一段北美热映的电影《蜘蛛侠》四就为我们提供了一个良好的素材。剧中的反派康纳斯博士在注射药剂后失控,变身成“蜥蜴人”,充分的证明了没有严密思考可能风险而采取行动的危害。我们因此完全可以从基因工程和相关改造上面来举例:
  One of the most compelling examples to illustrate this lies in the use of achievements of modern genetic engineering and pharmacology. 光有实例是没有任何说服力的,ETS不仅要求考生能后旁征博引,更希望考生能在文中对实例进行分析,以达到论证的目的。我们可以对实例进行简单的展开:Apparently, without sufficient analysis of the uncertainty of modifying genes, none of the research in this realm ought to be encouraged since it may cause dangerous mutation and therefore pose threats to social orders.
  最后给出一个小节,由此可见,谨慎有一定能够的意义: Following this look, being prudent before making decisions does make sense.
  Admittedly, human beings are to some extent more benefited if both the attractive strengths and potential weaknesses are seriously weighed before allocating precious manpower and material resources to risky activities. Those who are responsible for leading society to success analyzing all possible risks of certain activities carefully, society as a whole is more likely to advance at the minimum expense, thereby further progressing towards sustainable development. One of the most compelling examples to illustrate this lies in the use of achievements of modern genetic engineering and pharmacology. Apparently, without sufficient analysis of the uncertainty of modifying genes, none of the research in this realm ought to be encouraged since it may cause dangerous mutation and therefore pose threats to social orders. Following this look, being prudent before making decisions does make sense.