第49期: cake, abate, dagger, background, dab(在线收听

单词/词义 中英例句 单词听读
cake [keik] Mud caked on his shoes.
v. 结成一块 泥块粘在他的鞋上。

abate [E5beit] The ship sailed when the storm abated.
v. 减弱,减轻 风暴减弱时船开航了。

dagger [5dA^E] The world lives at daggers drawn in a cold war.
n. 短剑,敌意 世界在冷战中剑拨弩张。

background [5bAk^raund] He has a strong political background.
n. 背景 他有强大的政治背景。

dab [dAb] She is a dab hand at golf.
v. 能手,行家 她是打高尔夫球的高手。