第54期: measure, around, touch, spell, set off(在线收听

单词/词义 中英例句 单词听读
measure [5meVE] Please measure me for a new coat.
v. 量,测量 请给我量尺寸,做一件新上衣。

around[E5raund] He asked me to come here around ten o'clock.
prep. 大约 他要我十点左右来。

touch[tQtF] I felt the touch of his hand.
n. 触觉 我感到他的手碰了我一下。

spell[spel] How do you spell the word?
v. 拼写 这个词如何拼法?

set off[set Cf] The children set off for school.
v.出发,启程 孩子们上学去了。