25. I wish it were true.(我希望这是真的。)
26. I’d be the last to know. = How would I know I really don’t know. I have no idea. I’m the wrong
person to ask.(我怎么知道? 我真的不知道。 你问错人了。)
A Kim, do you know where Li Yang is
B I’d be the last to know. I just got here myself.
A Do you know how to make jaozi
B I’d be the last to know. I can’t cook anything. I can’t even boil water!
27. I’d rather not.(我不愿意。)
28. I'll say.(就是嘛!)
以诱拐妇女儿童最为卑鄙无耻,罪大恶极”,这时候如果自己对此看法也深表同感时,即可以说“I’ll say!”
A I just don’t understand why she goes out with him. He’s so much younger than she is.
B I’ll say! She must be old enough to be his mother.
29. I’m full.(我吃饱了。)
【Kim’s Note】This sentence is so useful at the end of a big Chinese banquet. However, the words “full”
and “fool” are pronounced exactly the same. If you accidentally put the article “a” in front of full and
say “I’m a full.” It will mean something totally different and make everyone at the table laugh!
30. It slipped my mind.(我记不起来了。)
【Kim’s Note】For some reason people find this sentence less offensive than just saying “I forgot”.
I meant to call you when we got to Beijing. I was just so busy it slipped my mind.
31. It really got to me.(我太感动了。)
A What are you crying for It’s just a movie.
B I know, but it really got to me when the little boy’s mother died.
32. It was all in vain.(一切都枉费心机。)
33. It is beyond my means.(我买不起。)
34. It’s a different way of life.(这是不同的生活方式。)
35. It’s a fact.(这是事实。)
36. It’s a good idea.(是个好主意。)
37. It’s all the same to me.(对我来说都一样。)
38. It’s driving me crazy.(简直要把我逼疯了。)
【Kim’s Note】This is the kind of strong language that is always heard in movies. You can also hear me say
this in our office when the phone rings too many times and disturbs my work!
39. It’s getting worse!(越来越糟了!)
40. It’s inevitable.(这是不可避免的。)
41. It’s my treat!(我请客!)
【Kim’s Note】 This is a great sentence to use if you want to show someone a kindness or celebrate! Also,
if you’re not sure a date will say “yes” when you ask her out, you can add this as a bonus!
A Would you like to have lunch together sometime, my treat!
B Sure, I’d love to.
42. It’s not going to happen again.(这种事不会再发生了。)
【Kim’s Note】Every liar and cheater in the world uses this sentence when they get caught! Unfortunately it
is never true.
43. It’s painful to admit it.(承认这一点是痛苦的。)
44. It’s natural.(这很自然。)
45. It’s up for sale.(这是供出售的。)
46. Keep quiet!(安静!)
47. Keep out.(切勿入内!)
48. Let me explain.(让我来解释。)
49. Let’s keep in touch.(让我们保持联系。)