

Ladies and Gentlemen:


[1] It is my job to introduce the foreign guests who will be spending the week with us here. I must say that

I’m a little at a loss『不知所措』 as to『关于』 how to introduce them. I wanted to say at first the tall

one, or the one with blond hair, or the one with blue eyes, or something like that to help you remember

them. Now, seeing them all here together for the first time, I see what a problem I have: They’re all tall,

they all have blond hair, and they all seem to have blue eyes, too. Oh well, you’ll just have to remember

their names.

[1] 我的责任是介绍这些将与我们共度这一周的外国客人们。我必须表明对于如何介绍他们,我有点不知所措。刚开始我会


[2] Mr. Sam White comes to us from the University of Kentucky where he is majoring in economics『经济学』.

He is most noticeable『显著的;显而易见的』 for his southern accent『口音』. Miss Kelly Brown comes from the

University of Wisconsin. She is majoring in modern languages, so she will be happy to speak in French or

Chinese to any one of you. Mr. Jim Smith is from the City College of New York. He tells me he is a city boy,

and this is his first time to live in a camp like this. If he gets scared『害怕;恐惧;受惊』 at the night

noises, be patient『耐心的;容忍的』 with him.

[2] 山姆·怀特先生来自肯塔基大学,主攻经济学。他有很浓重的南方口音。凯利·布朗小姐来自威斯康星大学,专业是现代语言学,她会很高兴与你们中的某个人讲法语或中文。吉姆·史密斯先生来自纽约城市大学。他告诉我他是一个都市男孩,这是他第一次过这种野营生活。如果他晚上感到害怕,请你们多多见谅。

[3] The last person to introduce is Miss Julia Cook, who is a social worker『社会工作者』 for the City of

Los Angeles. She has a headache, owing to『由于』 the weather here, but she is now accustomed to『习惯于』


[3] 最后一位要介绍的是朱利亚·库克,她是洛杉机市政府的社会工作者。由于这里的天气原因她有些头疼,不过她现在已


[4] Seriously, thank you all for coming and taking part in our camp. All of us hope that you will enjoy


[4] 说真的,谢谢你们来加入我们的野营。我们全体人员祝你们过得愉快。


