2-6 南非的野生动物(在线收听

Wildlife in South Africa


As you first enter the bush, you'll no doubt be greeted by mischievous apes like the vervet monkey, the chacma baboon, often with a baby on its back. An almost guaranteed sighting in the first few minutes is the awkward looking warthog, scampering1 along with its tail in the air. You'll have every opportunity to see giraffe, the world's tallest animals which reach as high as 5.2m (17 feet), and a multitude2 of antelope roaming the bush. These include the stately kudu with its spiralling horns, the gemsbok whose long straight horns jut3 backward like giant thorns, sable, eland, roan and smaller species like impala, duiker and oribi. With close to 30 different species of antelope, distinguished by their colour, size, horns and the markings etched on their hide, you'll find it useful to have a comprehensive book on game close at hand.


Herds of zebra, including the unique mountain zebra, are also prevalent. Despite their peaceful and sometimes playful energy, zebra have the strength to kick hard with their back legs against attacking lion and other predators which relish4 their meat.


Then, there are wild cats like the sleek5 yet wicked looking caracal, genet and of course the cheetah differentiated from the leopard by their tear markings along their cheeks and their ability to run as fast as 112km per hour (70 miles per hour).


If Mother Nature6 is on your side, you may also come across wild dog, another endangered species, spotted hyena and black jackal. And wallowing in the water holes and dams, you'll spot the ears and eyes of hippopotami which weigh between 200 and 300kg (441 and 661lbs). Alongside these seemingly lazy mammals, crocodiles sun themselves on the sandbanks.



1.scamper [5skAmpE] vi. 疾走;惊奔

2.multitude [5mQltitju:d] n. 许多

3.jut [dVQt] vi. 突出;伸出

4.relish [5reliF] vt. 品味;饱尝

5.sleek [sli:k] adj. (皮肤、毛发等)油光光的;油亮的

6.Mother Nature (孕育万物的)大自然







