2-8 拉什莫尔山(在线收听

Mt. Rushmore


Each year almost three million people from all over the world make a special trip to this remote part of the United States just to see this incredible sculpture.


Gutzom Borglum was one of America’s leading sculptors. In 1924, he received a letter from the State Historian. And, he wrote to him and asked him to come to the Black Hills and see if there was any possibility of using some of the rock outcroppings1 in the Black Hills that would draw tourists to his state which he loved.


Borglum was imbued with the idea of having the people that had been important in the creation of his country, the creators of America. State officials agreed and Borglum decided he would carve four American presidents.


Shortly after Borglum began blasting2 into the sides of the mountain in 1927, the United States plunged into3 the Great Depression4. During those tough years, jobs were hard to come by5. When the work first started on the mountain, people here didn't have jobs of any kind. They were willing to work for anything. And, Borglum trained them and they stayed with him through thick and thin6. Over the next decade, four hundred local men lived on the mountain top.


Even for a talented sculptor like Gutzom Borglum, carving giant mountain size figures was a monumental7 task. The first thing he did was to build a scale model of the mountain. An inch on the model was a foot8 on top of the mountain. When Borglum would start one of the faces, they would start with the nose, because that was the furthest point out. From Washington to Lincoln the carving measures 365 feet, which is longer than a football field. Each head is sixty feet high. The head on the Statue of Liberty measures only 17 feet. When sculpting on this scale, the chisel9 of choice is dynamite10. Close to 450 thousand tons of granite11 were blown off the face12 of the mountain.


Amazingly Borglum’s blasters were so talented that they could come within four inches of the finished surface with their explosions. To take a mountain like this back in the early '30s, to be able to carve the faces and make them so natural with the equipment that we had to work with was just incredible that a man could have a vision to do it.


Unfortunately Gutzom Borglum died in 1941, just a few months short of finishing the job. But his son Lincoln picked up the chisel and gave the mountain its finishing touches13 an achievement that put South Dakota on the national map. Today mount Rushmore is one of the most visited monuments in the United States. A shrine14 to four of America’s greatest presidents: George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Theodore Roosevelt and Abraham Lincoln.


For bringing the American dream to a remote granite mountainside, Gutzom Borglum’s monumental sculpture carves out the number seven spot on our list.



1.outcropping [5autkrCpiN] n. []露头;外露,露出地表

2.blast [blB:st] vi. 炸,爆炸

3.plunge into骤然陷入

4.Great Depression 大萧条(指1929~约1939年发生于美国和其他国家的经济衰退)

5.come by 得到,获得

6.through thick and thin 不顾艰难险阻,在任何情况下

7.monumental [7mCnju5mentl] adj. 巨大的;不可估量的

8.foot [fut] n. 英尺

9.chisel [5tFizl] n. 凿子,錾子

10.dynamite [5dainEmait] n. 达纳炸药;氨爆炸药

11.granite [5^rAnit] n. 花岗岩,花岗石

12.face [feis] n. 山坡;陡面;[]采掘面,工作面

13.touch [tQtF] n. (完工前的)细小变动;修饰;润色

14.shrine [Frain] n. 圣地;神圣场所













