4-6 巴拿马运河(在线收听

Panama Canal


The 51mile Panama Canal made shipping history when it opened a route between the Atlantic and Pacific oceans. It is located in the narrowest part of the American continent and the lowest region of the Panamanian1 isthmus2.


People had been trying to find a way to get from the Atlantic to the Pacific since at least the time of Columbus. But it would be four hundred years before anyone gave it a shot3. It's an enormous savings of time and money when the only alternative to get cargo is to take it around the tip of South America. Even today that can take two weeks, compared to a canal journey that takes as little as eight hours.


The French were the first to make a real concerted4 effort to build a Panama Canal under Ferdinand de Lesseps5 who was the man responsible for the building of the Suez Canal6. The Suez Canal in dry and flat Egypt was considered an incredible engineering feat. In 1879 de Lesseps tried to recreate his success in Panama. But he severely misjudged the hurdles presented by Central America's mountainous terrain7 and tropical climate. De Lesseps failed spectacularly. It was a complete disaster.


But just twenty years later, president Teddy Roosevelt8 persuaded the United States to take on the job. In 1904, the U.S. Congress signed a treaty to lease9 the land in the Canal Zone for 96 years.


Chief engineer John F. Stevens was determined to avoid mistakes of the French. The Americans succeeded because they decided to build a lock canal. Using new technology, the American effort slowly burrowed10 its way into the Panamanian jungle, but old fashioned muscle power played just as big a role. The bulk11 of the labor force in the building of the Panama Canal was West Indian labor, mostly from Barbados12. And they are really the unsung13 heroes of the Panama Canal. Without them, it couldn't have been built. The workers' most important tool was dynamite14. The explosive power alone that was needed to dig the canal was greater than the explosive power used in all the wars in 1903.


After ten years of intensely physical labor, the Panama Canal was opened to traffic in 1914 and it's been on duty ever since.


For uniting15 the world's two great oceans, the Panama Canal drops anchor16 at number four on our list.




1.Panamanian [7pAnE7meInIEn] a. 巴拿马的

2.isthmus [5ismEs] n. 地峡

3.shot [FCt] n. 尝试试图

4.concerted [kEn5sE:tid] a. 商定的一致的

5.Ferdinand de Lesseps 雷赛布18051894法国外交官、工程师退出外交界后组成苏伊士运河公司监管苏伊士运河工程 [18591869] 成立承建巴拿马运河工程的公司[1878] 因滥用基金破产判罪

6.Suez Canal苏伊士运河 [埃及东北部] (穿经苏伊士地峡,连接地中海和红海)

7.terrain [5terein] n. 地形,地势,岩层

8.Teddy Roosevelt  Theodore Roosevelt 罗斯福(18581919,美国第26任总统 [19011909] ,共和党人,对内执行资源保护政策,对外奉行大棒政策,对拉丁美洲实行武装干涉,因调停俄日战争 [19041905] 1906年诺贝尔和平奖。Teddy为其昵称)

9.lease [li:s] vt. 租得,租有(土地等)

10.burrow [5bQrEu] vt. 掘出(洞、通道等)

11.bulk [bQlk] n. 主体,绝大部分,大多数

12.Barbados [bB:5beidEuz] 巴巴多斯 [拉丁美洲国家]

13.unsung [5Qn5sQN] a. 未受赞美或述及的

14.dynamite [5dainEmait] n. 达纳炸药,氨爆炸药

15.unite [ju(:)5nait] vt. 使接合,使联接












