Listen this way听力教程第二册-12(在线收听

Unit 12   Are you Fit and Healthy?

Part Ⅰ  Getting ready
Health is freedom from disease. However, to be just healthy is not enough. If you are overweight, you're more likely to develop some diseases than people with normal weight. When you're worried too much, it's more likely for you to suffer from headaches and difficulty in sleeping. Therefore, you should also try to keep fit so that you are able to meet the physical needs around you.

A  The following words and phrase will appear in this unit. Listen carefully and study the definitions.
   1. junk food: food that is not very good for your health but is easy and quick to prepare
   2. obese: extremely fat
   3. waist: the narrow part of your body above your hips
   4. quit: stop
   5. sneeze: take in the breath and then blow it down the nose noisily
   6. resistance: the power to remain unharmed or unaffected
   7. workout: a period of physical exercise or training
   8. vigorous: energetic; lively
   9. toss: move repeatedly from side to side
  10. pulse: the regular beating of blood through the body, which can be felt in particular parts of the body

   We eat food every day. However, if we eat too much food we get overweight. It is usually caused by the consumption of more calories than the body can use. The excess calories are then stored as fat. Being extremely fat can also lead to a serious medical problem.

B  You are going to hear a dialogue. Supply the missing words.
   Yume: Mike, why are so many Americans________?
   Mike: Well, that's a good question, Yume. You'd think that with the current __________craze in the U.S. there wouldn't be so many overweight Americans.
   Yume: Just how many people are overweight?
   Mike: About _______ of Americans are overweight. Interestingly, one study said that low-income groups have a __________ percentage of overweight people than higher income families.
   Yume: Are there any other ________ like that in the study?
   Mike: Yes. The study also said that the ______ the climate, the lower the percentage of obese people.
   Yume: That makes sense. When it's hot, you usually don't feel like eating ___________.
   Mike: Is that why Japanese people are typically skinnier than Americans?
   Yume: Well, our diet has a lot less fat and _____ than American food. And Americans eat a lot more ______ than we do.
   Mike: You're right. And we also eat more __________ and junk food. But there's another reason why so many Americans are fat.
   Yume: What's that?
   Mike: Nobody _________ anymore-not even kids. The average American home has the TV on for _______ hours a day!
   Yume: Wow! No wonder you Americans are so fat. You don't get enough _____________. Say, Mike, aren't you getting a little bigger in the waist?
   Mike: Yeah, I guess so.
   Yume: You really need to watch _______ you eat and get some exercise.
   Mike: Hey, I started a diet and lost ________ pounds.
   Yume: So what happened?
   Mike: I quit and gained it all back plus ________pounds.
   We are under stress when we are faced with a demand and do not know how to handle it. Stress may be caused by life's events, such as, starting school, examinations, a new job, sickness, and death. Situations can cause stress too. Besides, the environment ?noise, heat, overcrowding ?and ourselves, like our personality, our beliefs, are also some of the causes of stress. Since stress is part of life, we cannot get rid of it. But we can learn how to control stress.

C  You are going to hear a short passage, focusing on the stressful situations involved and the four ways to control stress. Supply the missing information.
                         __________ problems  -> disagreement between  
                                                 people; how to______
   Stressful situations  __________ problems  -> problem solving;____
                         Money problems       -> not enough to _____;
                                                 disagreement over___

Part Ⅱ  Stress and catching colds
Life's events, such as losing a job, sickness, examinations, cause stress because they bring about changes in our lives. A little stress makes us think and try harder. But too much stress or stress that goes on for a long time can affect our mental health and physical health as well. It can make people nervous, worried, depressed or bad-tempered. It can also cause difficulty in sleeping, loss of appetite, or headaches.

A  You are going to hear a science report in which scientists explored the relationship between stress and colds. While listening for the first time, add more key words in the notes column. After the second listening, match column A with column B.
   Column A                             Column B
   1. Colds can result from             __ at a higher risk of developing a cold
   2. People who feel extreme tension   __ the risk of a cold
      for a period of time may (be)
   3. Signs of a cold include           __ lack of exercise, poor diet, or working
      too hard
   4. Severe stress lasting a month or  __ coughing, sneezing and a blocked nose
      more increases
B  Now try this: listen to a more authentic version of the report. Complete the experiment report.

          Experiment Report
   Project: Link between stress and colds
   Researchers: Researchers at the University of Pittsburgh
   Subjects: ________ people     Age: ____________
   Procedure: 1. Subjects were given _______  -physical
                                              - _______
                                              - _______
              2. ________ were placed in the noses.
              3. The next five days ?examining to find out who became infected & ____________.
   Findings: 1. Stress lowers ____________.
             2. Severe stress lasting ____________ increases ____________.
             3. People suffering from stress caused by ____________ are more likely to get sick.
             4. Two causes of stress- ____________ -increase the risk ____________.

Part Ⅲ  "So you wanna keep fit, huh?"
Exercise strengthens your heart and lungs. When you exercise, your muscles become stronger and your joints more flexible. However, if you want to get the most benefit out of an exercise, you also need to make a plan for it. Do you know how to do that?

A  You are going to hear the first part of a radio feature, focusing on the time and the five golden rules. While listening for the first time, take down key words in the notes column. After the second listening, supply the missing information.
                         How long? What for?
   Warming-up exercises  ____________  ______________ 
   Vigorous activity  ____________  ______________ 
   Cool-down exercises  ____________  ______________ 
   The five golden rules:
   1. Always wear ____________ clothes when you're exercising. You need to feel ____________.
   2. You should always do some simple _________ first. To get your body ready for ________________.
   3. Never try to do ___________. Take it nice and easy now. There's ___________ about this.
   4. Don't forget to relax completely for ___________ when you've finished your workout. You need to __________ after you've been exercising.
   5. _______________ if you feel any pain in your ___________.

B  Now listen to the second part. What is that exercise that Crystal Collins shares with us? Pick out the correct pictures that describe the exercise and arrange them in correct order.
Part Ⅳ  More about the topic: Are You Fit and Healthy?
To keep fit and healthy is everybody's life goal. Then how can we achieve that? Does it just mean that we do a lot of exercise now and then?

The following passage is about health, diet and exercise. After listening for the first time, decide whether the statements are true or false. Put "T" or "F" in the brackets. After the second listening, try to find out the English equivalents of those expressions in the material.
   True or false
   (   ) 1. The average adult needs nine hours sleep per night.
   (   ) 2. If you can't sleep, get up and do something active.
   (   ) 3. Crash diets are good for you if you want to lose more weight.
   (   ) 4. The most important point of the "high protein" diet is that you mustn't cook the food with oil, butter or any fat.
   (   ) 5. The orange and milk diet includes oranges, oil and one litre of milk.
   (   ) 6. If you want to keep fit, you need to do a lot of exercise now and then.

    Chinese         English
    弥补失去的睡眠      _____________________
    薄荷茶              _____________________
    辗转反侧            _____________________
    一茶匙              _____________________
    均衡多样的饮食      _____________________
    减少使人肥胖的食物  _____________________
    彻底戒除食糖        _____________________
    替代品              _____________________
    不粘煎锅            _____________________
    深呼吸              _____________________
    一段楼梯            _____________________
    感觉气喘嘘嘘        _____________________

Part Ⅴ   Memory test: How Much Exercise Is Enough Exercise?
How much do we need to exercise for fitness? How often? How hard? How long? Is it the longer the better? Our body gets enough exercise only when our heart is working at a certain speed. Mild exercise may be better than nothing, but it also cannot improve our fitness.

You are going to hear a short passage on exercise. Work out your own target heart speed range. Then arrange the fitness effect checking process in its correct order.

   Your own target heart speed range:
   My target heart speed range is between ____________ and _________ beats per minute.

   Check whether your exercise gives you the fitness effect
   1. starting energetic exercise
   2. stopping
   3. 5 minutes' warm-up exercise
   4. checking pulse rate
   5. 10 minutes' energetic exercise
   6. counting pulse beats
   _______-> _______-> _______-> _______-> _______-> _______ 

Part Ⅵ   Reminder of key points in this unit
           Verb & Verb Phrase  Noun & Noun Phrase  Other
   Part Ⅰ make sense        junk food    plus
    feel like                     obese
    quit                             Two heads are
    gain                             better than one.
   Part Ⅱ infect        virus            severe
    affect        coughing 
                 a blocked nose 
   Part Ⅲ relax        warming-up exercise  vigorous
    take it nice        cool-down exercise   golden
    take it easy        heart rate 
    step up        rush 
   Part Ⅳ catch up on        herb tea 
    toss                a (tea)spoonful of 
   Part Ⅴ multiply        stretch exercise     upper
    keep in mind        pulse rate     lower
                 pulse beat     minus
