英语听力:澳洲新闻 (ABC新闻快递) 2014-04-26(在线收听

 Let's take a look at the satellite.

And a cold front crossing Tasmania is causing storms and gusty winds. A trough over south Australia, Victoria and SNW is generating areas of light rain. A tropical low is triggering showers and storms about the northern Top End. And an area of low pressure is causing showers over western WA.
Looking around the country.
And in Queensland, there'll be showers in the east and north, warm and dry in the south and west.
Rain and storms for inland NSW, spreading east with a cooler change in the south and west.
A cool change this morning in Victoria, spreading from the west, and showers in the south and east.
Gusty cooler change in the morning for Tasmania, showers heaviest in the south and west.
In SA, showers in the south, which could clear by the evening, dry and mostly sunny in the far north of the state.
In WA, rain in the west and south, spreading inland, hot and mostly sunny in the north.
Rain and storms in the north of the northern territory, dry and mostly sunny in the south.
Now looking ahead to tomorrow's forecast for the capital cities.
There's gonna be a light shower in Brisbane, possible showers for Sydney, mostly sunny for Melbourne. Sunny for Hobart, mostly sunny in Adelaide, light showers for Perth and light thunder for Darwin.