
  Annoying Voice Mail Phrases
(Office ambience)
C: Amy, 你有时间吗?
A: Sure. What's up?
C: 我刚才收到部门经理Mae的电话留言,她说我们在留言机上的留话千篇一律,应该考虑如何改变一下。
A: I haven't checked my voice mail yet. I have been out of the office so I haven't heard her message.
C: 我简单告诉你一下吧?
A: I'm all ears!
C: 她建议,我们不用说,“我不在办公室或是正在另外一条线上”,因为你不说,别人也知道。
A: What are we supposed to say?
C: 不如改为告诉对方你在哪里,比如说去开会了,三点回来,让别人知道几点钟能找到你,或是能接到你的回电。
A: I always try to let people know when I am away from the office for a few days.
C: 对了,Mae还建议,如果好几天不在办公室的话,可以在留言里说明,你什么时候有机会查留言,回电话。
A: Did she say more?
C: Mae还说,如果你不在办公室,可以把临时联络人的电话和姓名留在留言机里。
A: I've had people do that and when I called the other person, she wasn't in so I found myself in another voice mail. That's annoying.
C: 没错,所以要事先弄清楚临时联络人是否会在办公室里。Mae还有不少建议,我一时记不起来了,你还是自己去听听吧。
A: Wow, Mae made some other good points about our greetings. I get tired of hearing "Your call is very important to me." I agree that we should drop that phrase, especially when it often lacks sincerity.
C: 对啊,“你的电话对我很重要”根本就是废话。还有就是“我很遗憾没有接到你的电话 -- "I am sorry I missed your call." 有那个时间,还不如说点有用的。
A: I usually tell people that I will call them back as soon as possible. Mae says to avoid saying, "I'll call you back as soon as possible." A simple "I'll call you back" is all that is needed.
C: 你觉得Mae说的有道理吗?
A: It's clear to me that we all have fallen into a rut, by leaving a greeting that sounds as if we are reading from a script.
C: 确实是有些千篇一律。那我们应该怎么做呢?
A: What we need to do is update our greeting on a regular basis so callers know that we are attentive to our message system.
C: 我们还应该保证尽快回电。
A: But we don't need to take up more time than necessary.
C: 好,我这就去改我的电话留言,就说 "Hello, this is Chen Hao. I will be in the office today. Please leave a message and I will call you back.”
A: Sounds good to me.
