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One hundred years ago, walking on the moon was only a dream -- it is almost impossible to imagine what might happen in the next 1)millennium. We know that one day we will have to leave planet earth or we will die. In the near future technological discoveries will help us make our 2)exodus. So when will we be ready?

Michio Kaku (City College of New York): I would like to dream of the day when we can begin the process of building blueprints by which we’ll make the first steps to the stars.

When we reach the stars we will create new human species who will spread out and explore the whole universe.

Scientist: I think the real destination for humans is Mars. I think there’s where the stuff that we’re made of—carbon, oxygen, 3)hydrogen, 4)nitrogen—exists. And I think it...that’s likely to be the place that we try to make habitable, or put some habitations anyway, for the future.

In two or three hundred years we will live on 5)outposts on Mars. But in a few thousand years we will terraform Mars into a planet with an atmosphere like earth—but this will only be a temporary solution. When our sun dies we will have to travel much further beyond the solar system.

Each year astronomers discover more and more new planets orbiting around distant stars. Soon we hope to discover a planet like Earth.

Richard Terrile6)Jet Propulsion Lab): I think the chances of finding earth-like environments are very very high just because of the overwhelming number of potential places out there. You’re gonna have many many places over and over and over again which are gonna have environments like the Earth.

Even if we find a planet just like earth, we will have to travel an enormous distance to reach it.

Mark Millis (NASA Scientist): Space is huge. It takes up a lot of space. It’s 7)astronomically big—that’s where the phrase comes from “astronomically big.” It’s really hard to 8)conceive how enormous these distances are.

Even the distance to our nearest star is difficult to imagine. Within a few thousand years we will build massive space 9)arks. Each ship will be several miles long, supporting thousands of people. Because the distances are so huge, these arks will take centuries, even millennia, to reach their destinations—whole generations of humans will live and die on board these massive ships! This is a one-way trip.

Lawrence Krauss (Scientist): I think it’s very clear that we are not gonna have round-trip space missions to nearby stars. I think if we’re going to travel outside our solar system, the only way to do it is one-way and not plan to come back.

We may have to redefine what it is to be human. Future space crews will be astronoids, astronauts who have bodies perfectly adapted for weightless space flight. These 10)genetically created space travelers will spend their entire lives in the weightless environment of 11)interstellar space. They will be small and light, and instead of legs will have an extra set of arms. This may seem like an extreme vision of the future but scientists can already create new versions of some creatures. One day genetic engineers will be able to create new types of humans. Soon it will be possible to create humans who can live in space.  

1) millennium [mi5leniEm] n. 一千年,千周年
2) exodus [5eksEdEs] n. 大批的离去。Exodus一词来自《圣经》,指古代以色列人在摩西的率领下逃离迫害离开埃及一事,在这里指人类为避免与地球一起毁灭的命运,离开地球向外星的移民。
3) hydrogen [5haidrEudVEn] n. 氢
4) nitrogen [5naitrEdVEn] n. 氮
5) outpost [5autpEust] n. 空间站,前哨
6) Jet Propulsion Lab 喷气推进实验室,隶属美国国家航空航天局,主要负责美国国家航天局的深空探测飞行任务,包括旅行者、伽利略探测器和火星观测者等。
7) astronomically big 形容某物(事)大得无法形容
8) conceive [kEn5si:v] v. 想象,构想
9) ark [B:k] n. 方舟,大而笨重的车船。Ark一词的使用与《圣经》里的挪亚方舟(Noah’s Ark)有关,挪亚按上帝的旨意,造了一艘方舟逃避大洪水的到来。这里的ark既指人类离开地球工具,也指宇宙飞船的庞大体积。
10) genetically [dVi5netikEli] ad. 基因地,遗传地
11) interstellar space 星际空间



贺来道夫(纽约城市大学): 我愿意去梦想有那么一天,我们可以着手制定计划,迈出前往外星球的第一步。

科学家: 我认为人类真正目的地是火星。那里存在着构成生命的各种成分:碳、氧、氢和氮。我还认为……为将来打算,我们很可能会设法使这个星球适合人居住,或者说设置一些居住点等。



马克•米利斯(美国国家航空航天局科学家):太空浩瀚无垠,范围广阔。在英语里,我们常用“像宇宙一样大”(astronomically big)形容事物之大或之多—— 而“像宇宙一样大”这个说法正是来自天文学。要凭空想象路程有多么地遥远是相当困难的。


劳伦斯•克劳斯(科学家): 我们不可能执行前往附近星球的往返飞行任务,这一点是显而易见的。我认为如果我们要飞出太阳系,唯一的可能就是一去不回。


