A Formula for Writing Success(在线收听

A Formula for Writing Success


By Karen Asp/ ©Writer’s Digest


Incorporate courage, passion, patience, persistence and talent in your writing, and you will be a success



Forget about buying the newest laptop or slickest software. If you want to be a successful writer, you only need this simple formula: C3PT. It’s what I’ve found to be the element of success in my own career as a writer. So what does C3PT stand for? Courage, passion, patience, persistence and talent.




If you don’t have the courage to fail, your words will be few. But how do you get courage? By writing. That doesn’t mean writing won’t ever be scary, but practice will help you be less fearful, especially if you can draw on past successes.


I still get nervous when writing. I stare at the computer screen. I type a few words and immediately hit delete. I wonder what I’ve gotten myself into and if I can really pull it off. Then I open a drawer in my desk that’s filled with my clips from other magazines, and begin to think I really can do it.


If you don’t have published writings, put anything that inspires you near your writing station: favorite books, inspiring quotes or the first story you ever wrote — even if it was when you were eight. Then take courage, and write.




Passion is essential for success in any endeavor, but it’s vital in writing. Sometimes it’s the only thing that keeps you going, especially when your inner critic starts hollering or rejections pile up.


As a writer, you’ll inevitably face doubts. But if you love what you’re doing, you’ll make it through the lows and squelch that negative self-talk.


If passion is lacking from your writing, evaluate your writing to figure out what’s missing. What kind of writing do you want to do? What subjects interest you? Can you find a niche and specialize in a subject you love?




Like weight loss, success in writing doesn’t happen overnight; it is measured over years of hard work. Every time you write, you move one step closer to your goal, whether that’s publishing a novel or breaking into a magazine.


In this business, there are no wasted words, only wasted time. Devote the time. Commit to the process. Consider yourself a writer-in-waiting, and enjoy the journey.

Vocabulary Focus

slick (adj) [slik] performing skillfully and effectively, without problems or effort

get oneself into (idiom) to become involved in an activity, especially a difficult or unwanted one

pull off (idiom) to succeed in doing something difficult or unexpected

break into (idiom) to enter or become accepted in a business or profession



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