澳洲新闻 (ABC新闻快递) 2014-06-20(在线收听

 The United States is sending up to 300 additional military advisers to help Iraq's government fight the Islamist insurgency. U.S. President Barack Obama says America is ready to act, but he has stressed the country will not be sending combat troops. 

“Going forward we will be prepared to take targeted and precise military action if and when we determine that the situation on the ground requires them. And if we do, I will consult course with congress and later in Iraq and in the region.”
Barack Obama there.
Now Finance Minister Mortier Commer is trying to quell concerns over the government's planned changes to laws that govern financial advisers. He says the requirements for advisers to act in the best interests of their client will remain and commissions will still be banned. 
Two hundred Ford workers in Victoria look set to lose their jobs today. The Australian Manufacturing Workers Union says the forced redundancies are part of the carmaker's plan to fast track job losses. Twelve hundred jobs will go when Ford stops making cars locally in 2016.
The jury in the Rof Harris sexual abuse trial in London has retired in sedentary verdict.  The Australian entertainer is facing 12 charges for indecently insulting four girls. The judge has asked them to return unanimous verdicts on all counts. 
The search resumes this morning for a fisherman missing in Victoria. The 65-year-old failed to return from a fishing trip off port Ferry in the state's southwest on Wednesday night.