澳洲新闻 (ABC新闻快递) 2014-06-22(在线收听

 The European Union is taking on global companies which use loopholes to minimize their tax. Financial ministers meeting in Luxembourg have agreed on a united set of rules to discourage the multinationals from exploiting differences in national regulations. Reaching an agreement has been tough; some countries were worried about dropping away investments and jobs. But the new rules are expecting to take effect from 2016.

No longer will companies be able to exploit these loopholes, in our legislations to minimize their tax abuse. That is good news for x budgets, good news for honest businesses, and good news for those who seek fair taxation in the EU.
Now let’s see what the market finished the x weeks. And that’s we can see with feelings mixed in the Europe. The FTSE 100 up 17 when the opposition direction in Germany. And cross on Wall Street, it was a positive territory, the Dow up 26 points, the S&P 500 and x stocks also moving ahead.