澳洲新闻 (ABC新闻快递) 2014-06-27(在线收听

 The federal government is one step closer to getting rid of the carbon tax. The legislation to repeal the tax passed the Lower House last night. The government has agreed with demand by Clive Palmer to deal separately with the future of the clear energy finance cooperation. 

It’s very clear that Clive Palmer at the moment has repented the negotiation with the Prime Minister.
Essendon’s campaign to scuttle its long-running anti-doping investigation heads to the federal court today. The AFL club and its suspended coach James Hird are appealing against the legality of ASSAD’s investigation. 34 past and present players have been accused of taking banned substances.
An investigation into the former BBC personality Jimmy Savile has revealed he sexually abused patients at hospitals around Britain. A series of reports showed Savile used his fame to get unsupervised access to hospitals where assaulted scores of patients aged between 5 and 75.
Europeans leaders have gathered in the small Belgian city of Ypres to mark the 100 anniversary of the outbreak of the First World War. The 28 leaders observed a minutes of silence at the Menin gate to remember those who died in the war. 
And young British-born writer Evi Wyld has been awarded this year’s Mile Franklin Literary Award. She managed to upstage the favorite Tim Winton and Richard Flanagan. The judges described her book All the Birds Singing as a vivid and unforgettable moral fable.