
   And I remember that by the time I was done putting together the site, I know I had no idea how successful it could be. And I was actually thinking that after day in and day out. I had a different idea that I wanted to do, and I was going to scrap it after that. So I'm happy that I didn't do that. So I think that it's more like how you spend your time doing stuff — to have question there, to have an answer — than like something that I've learned specifically from college.

  I made a ton of random things when I was at Harvard and most of them no one ever saw. A lot of them just weren't meant for other people to see. And there are things that I made for myself because I thought they'll be cool. I used to make stuff like the natural language interface to play my MP3s. Or a thing I made before, this was a Hot or Not program out of everyone's IDs at Harvard, that almost got me kicked out.
  我在哈佛的时候编了很多各式各样的程序,大多数都没有人见过,因为那都是为我自己做的,我为自己编程序,因为我觉得那很有意思。我为我的MP3做了一个自然的语言界面,之前在哈佛还用每个人的ID做过一个类似Hot or Not程序的网站,因为这个,我差点被哈佛开除。
  So I don't know, I actually spent a long time making random stuff. I think that that definitely made it. So by the time it came, more like, by the time I came to meet this random project, I was pretty well tuned toward making that, you know in terms of managing this whole process, nothing. Like I have no idea what I'm doing, you know.
  The two things that you focus on are maintaining what you have now, that's good and growing, all right? What we have now is a pretty good utility. And then, going back to the first question that you ask me, what's the thing that I measure the most? It's that 70% of the people come back to site every day and making sure that that remains, not just because We're doing some gimmicky things.
  有两件事你需要关注,一是保持你现有的,二是发展,对吧,我们现有的就是很好的实用功能。回到你问的第一个问题,我最看重的衡量指标是什么?就是有70%的人每天都来登录,并且要保持这一水平, 不靠噱头和花招。