

Holder Vows Fair, Thorough Probe in Ferguson Shooting Case 霍尔德承诺弗格森枪击案公平彻底调查


U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder is promising a fair and thorough federal investigation into the shooting death of black teenager Michael Brown in Ferguson, Missouri. Holder spoke about his visit to Ferguson in unusually personal terms to reporters upon his return to Washington.

A day after his visit to Ferguson, Attorney Holder sought to assure community leaders and citizens that the Justice Department takes its role in the case seriously.


“Our investigation will be fair, it will be thorough and it will be independent.”


During his visit, Holder met with law enforcement, community leaders and the family of Michael Brown, the black teenager who was shot and killed by a white police officer.

走访期间, 霍尔德会见了执法部门、社区领导人及迈克尔·布朗的家人,这位手无寸铁的黑人青年被一位白人警官开枪打死。

“I think people are really trying to work their way through and as I indicated to them, I think out of this tragedy comes a great opportunity for reforming that community.”


Ferguson has been calmer in recent days and the involvement of the federal government may be helping,Howard University expert Greg Carr.


“They are sending a message, a very strong message that they will be watching, that they will be side-by-side with local government and that this case must be handled with the greatest care and concern for objectivity, fairness and justice.”


Holder was sent to Ferguson by President Barack Obama with the hope of reassuring the local community. Analyst and author Sam Fulwood says the healing process will take time.


“I think it is important that they speak out and that they do it because it moves us further along the road than we would be if they didn't.But I think there is a totally unrealistic expectation that when the president says something, people automatically salute and things change.”


The shooting incident in Ferguson and its violent aftermath has also drawn fresh attention to longstanding, deeper issues of race and class differences in the U.S., said Georgetown Law Professor Anthony Cook.


“We live in separate worlds. Still, a majority of black and brown kids go to schools that are majority black and brown.When you look at residential areas, even some black middle-class neighborhoods, those neighborhoods continue to be predominantly minority.”


In the meantime, the international spotlight remains on Ferguson as the latest test of the country's ability to come to grips with issues of race and violence. Michael Brown's funeral is set for Monday in St.Louis.

