step by step 第一册 lesson 28(在线收听

Lesson 28 Part Ⅰ Warming-up Exercises

Part Warming-up Exercises

ADates: World Famous Composers

1Johann Bach,  a famous German composer, was born on ____  and  died  on January  28,  1750.

2  George Handel, a well-known German-born British composer, was born on ____ and died on April 14, 1759.

3 Wolfgang Mozart was a brilliant Austrian composer, who  was  born  on ____  and  died  on  December  5, 1791.

4 Ludwig Beethoven, an ingenious German composer, was born on ____ and died on March 26,1827.

5 As one of the outstanding  Austrian composers, Franz Schubert was born on January 31, 1797 and died on ____.

6 Felix Mendelssohn, another famous German composer, was born on February 3,1809 and died on ____.

7 Poland also produced a well-known composer, Frederic Chopin, who was born on ____ and died on October 17, 1849.

8 Franz Liszt was a renowned Hungarian composer. He was born on ____ and died on July 31, 1886.

9 Johann Strauss, another celebrated Austrian composer, was born on October 25, 1825 and died on ____.

10 As the most prominent Russian composer, Peter Tchai-kovsky was born on May 7,1840 and died on ____.


B Difficult Sentences

1His ____________ were composed ___________________ the power to enjoy them.

2 But the poor ____ who had the room under the musician's _______or ____by the two thuds that the two shoes made as they landed on his ceiling.

Lesson 28 Part Ⅱ Ludwig van Beethoven

Part Ludwig van Beethoven



Ⅰ.Column A                                        Column B

__________                                            returned to Vienna

__________                                            died after a long illness

__________                                            performed before Mozart

__________                                            born in Bonn

__________                                            became totally deaf

Ⅱ. Beethoven never married . As  a teacher,  he  was ____ (apatient bimpatient) but ____(apainstaking bhardworking); he was ____(aquiet   b calm)in piano playing but ____(aextraordinary bextravagant)in conducting.  He was so ____(a absorbed  babsent minded) that once he insisted on paying a waiter for a dinner he had not eaten or even ordered.

Lesson 28 Part ⅢMusical HalfNotes

Part    Musical Half Notes



1musician/live/boarding house/get back/late

2tired/ take off/ shoes/ throw/ floor/ fall/ asleep

3lodger/ under/ wake up/ two thuds/ complain

4promise/put/ quietly

5next day/take off/one/throw/remember/put/ second/silently

6wake/knock/ plead/ drop/other/ wait/ hour/as soon as/do/sleep
