2013年ESL之就医和人际交往 04 Talking About Attractive Men and Women(在线收听


Talking About Attractive Men and Women

Pamela: You know that your tongue is hanging out of your mouth, right? 

David: That’s because I’ve never seen so many beautiful women in one place before. Why have I never been to this beach before? Look at her! She’s a hottie! 

Pamela: Isn’t that what you said about that woman over there? 

David: No, I said she’s a babe. Look at the way she sways when she walks. 

Pamela: Stop ogling her or her boyfriend or husband is going to come over here. 

David: I’m not ogling. I’m admiring the perfection of the female body. 

Pamela: You’re undressing her with your eyes. Avert your gaze before you regret it. Oh, wow! 

David: What? 

Pamela: Check out that guy over there. Hello, Mr. Tall, Dark, and Handsome! 

David: That pretty boy over there? He’s too into himself. Look at the way he’s posing so every woman on this beach can get a look at him. He’s nothing but an exhibitionist. 

Pamela: And the women you’ve been ogling in the teeny tiny bikinis? 

David: Those women? They’re just showing off what God gave them! 


Script by Dr. Lucy Tse 
